
Search query: new jersey

Independent Voter Project Fights to Defend Voting Rights of People over Parties
Independent Voter Project Fights to Defend Voting Rights of People over Parties
It seems like most politicians today sound like pre-programmed robots, spewing partisan sermons and perpetuating a superficial battle between a so-called “left” and a “right.”But why?Pretty simple: Th...
Civil Rights Groups Appeal NJ Court Decision That Only Democrats and Republicans are Qualified to Vote
Civil Rights Groups Appeal NJ Court Decision That Only Democrats and Republicans are Qualified to Vote
(Newark, N.J.) - On Tuesday, the EndPartisanship.org coalition appealed a decision from the U.S. District Court in Newark, New Jersey. The district court held that only Democratic and Republican voter...
While Congressional Approval Remains at Historic Lows, Millions Remain Locked Out of Primaries
While Congressional Approval Remains at Historic Lows, Millions Remain Locked Out of Primaries
According to RealClearPolitics, approximately 13.4 percent of Americans approve of Congress and 77.8 percent disapprove, taking the average of 6 major surveys on congressional approval.Congress’ under...
Is America Becoming a Third World Country?
Is America Becoming a Third World Country?
I often ask myself: “Is America becoming a Third World country?” I’ve traveled all over the world and seen the ins and outs of developed and undeveloped nations, observing economic and political struc...
Media Treats Romney as Top 2016 Contender after 60 People Said They'd Vote for Him
Media Treats Romney as Top 2016 Contender after 60 People Said They'd Vote for Him
On Thursday, August 28, Politico reported on a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll that said 35 percent of likely GOP caucus voters would vote for Mitt Romney in 2016 if he was added to the field of...
NJ Judge Rules Only Republicans and Democrats are 'Qualified' to Vote
NJ Judge Rules Only Republicans and Democrats are 'Qualified' to Vote
A New Jersey Federal District Court judge dismissed a lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of New Jersey’s closed primary system.Currently, 2.6 million registered voters in New Jersey are pro...
NJ Plaintiffs to Attorney General: Voting Rights Are Nonpartisan
NJ Plaintiffs to Attorney General: Voting Rights Are Nonpartisan
(Newark, N.J.) -- In July, New Jersey Attorney General John J. Hoffman filed a response in federal court on behalf of the state of New Jersey (including Governor Chris Christie and Secretary of State ...
2014 Election Results: All of California's 2014 Same Party Races [UPDATED]
2014 Election Results: All of California's 2014 Same Party Races [UPDATED]
Winners in bold:House of Representatives: CD-4 Tom McClintock 60.1% v. Art Moore 39.9% in CD-4 (GOP) CD-17 Mike Honda 52.2% v. Ro Khanna 47.8% in CD-17 (DEM) CD-19 Zoe Lofgren 66.8% v.&...
Evidence Suggest No Correlation between Business Experience and Good Governing
Evidence Suggest No Correlation between Business Experience and Good Governing
How many times have we heard variations of the following soundbites from enterprising political candidates: “My business experience has prepared me to be an effective leader.” “Because of my business ...
NJ Attorney General: If You Want a Meaningful Vote, Join a Party
NJ Attorney General: If You Want a Meaningful Vote, Join a Party
(Newark, N.J.) — In May, New Jersey Secretary of State Kim Guadagno filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed to defend the individual voting rights of New Jersey voters, regardless of their party aff...