
Search query: arizona

Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
In the weeks since the California primary, when Hillary Clinton joined Donald Trump in becoming her party’s presumptive nominee for president, FairVote has tracked both candidates’ campaign appearance...
Harvard Study Shows How Useless Mainstream Media Was in 2016 Primary
Harvard Study Shows How Useless Mainstream Media Was in 2016 Primary
In early July, the Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of respondents said the campaign was not focused on important policy debates. A study released by Harvard's Shorenstein Center on ...
Republican Turnout Spikes in Open Primaries; Democratic Turnout Drops
Republican Turnout Spikes in Open Primaries; Democratic Turnout Drops
FairVote has compiled and analyzed state-by-state data on voter turnout for the 2016 presidential primaries. Released today, it reviews trends in voter turnout nationally since 2000, as well...
4 of the Most Brutal Presidential Campaigns in U.S. History
4 of the Most Brutal Presidential Campaigns in U.S. History
To many American voters, the dirty attacks of the 2016 election cycle are dizzying. Donald Trump has popularized the hashtag #CrookedHillary. Hillary Clinton characterizes Donald Trump as “temperament...
The People vs. The Parties: Partisan Lawyers Try to Prevent Illinois Voters from Ending Gerrymandering
The People vs. The Parties: Partisan Lawyers Try to Prevent Illinois Voters from Ending Gerrymandering
After making its case in a Cook County courtroom, a group fighting to reform the partisan drawing of congressional districts still faces one more crucial deadline ahead of achieving its goal of appear...
Several Lawsuits Challenge Undemocratic Primary Election Practices
Several Lawsuits Challenge Undemocratic Primary Election Practices
The 2016 primaries have been fraught with controversy. Stories of purging, voter confusion, registration swaps, and lawsuits against state officials and practices have been popping up across the natio...
California Sec. of State: Historic Number of Voters Register, Update Info on Final Day
California Sec. of State: Historic Number of Voters Register, Update Info on Final Day
Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Tuesday that nearly 200,000 California citizens registered to vote or updated their information at RegisterToVote.ca.gov on Monday, May 23, the fina...
Elecciones Primarias de California Excluyen a Votantes Independientes
Elecciones Primarias de California Excluyen a Votantes Independientes
En todo el país, los votantes se han visto confundidos por un sistema de las elecciones primarias presidenciales excesivamente complejo y poco incluyente. Desafortunadamente, esta tendencia continuará...
Independent Voters Disenfranchised by California Primary Rules
Independent Voters Disenfranchised by California Primary Rules
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1jcQYbMSL0Across the nation, voters have routinely been confused by overly complex and non-inclusive presidential primary rules. Unfortunately, the trend will continue...
Atención California, Asegurate de Poder Votar en las próximas Elecciones Primarias
Atención California, Asegurate de Poder Votar en las próximas Elecciones Primarias
La fecha límite para que los habitantes de California se registren para votar en las elecciones primarias del 7 de junio se acerca rápidamente y millones de votantes ignoran que no podrán formar parte...