
Search query: missouri

To Get Our Financial House In Order
To Get Our Financial House In Order
Out of Washington, we tend to hear the same old stories.  Republicans want to cut spending and not raise taxes.  Democrats want to tax the rich and not let Republicans touch the entitlement ...
The History of the Debt Ceiling
The History of the Debt Ceiling
Benjamin Franklin once said that “The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” Mr. Franklin never encountered the 112th or 113th Congress. Since the debt limit was officially set in 1917, th...
It's The End of the World As We Know It... Or Is It?
It's The End of the World As We Know It... Or Is It?
zimmytws / shutterstock.comWe have grown accustomed to Congress "managing by crisis," as U.S Senator Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) phrased it on the Senate floor on Wednesday. Instead of taking the time nec...
Do Independent Voters Need More Independent Candidates?
Do Independent Voters Need More Independent Candidates?
Demand, meet SupplyAmidst some disenchantment with both major political parties, the chart above shows, when looking across the 50 states, the share of votes earned by candidates that were not either ...
Cold Fusion Energy Is Not Just Science Fiction Anymore
Cold Fusion Energy Is Not Just Science Fiction Anymore
The future of sustainable energy likely depends on the invention of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), sometimes referred to as "cold fusion." From space exploration, geo-economics, and geo-politics...
Climate Change ; Any Signs Hidden In That Sand?
Climate Change ; Any Signs Hidden In That Sand?
Lake Oahe before and after a six-year drought // Credit: NASA/GSFC/METI/Japan Space Systems and the U.S./Japan ASTER Science TeamGlobal Climate Change : A four part discussion on long-term global soc...
Climate Change manifests itself in the Midwest
Climate Change manifests itself in the Midwest
Climate change usually leads people to think about the North and South poles. After all, the polar bear is the unofficial mascot of climate change. However, climate change shows its effects right here...
On the History of Congressional Majorities and the Management of a Nation
On the History of Congressional Majorities and the Management of a Nation
One-hundred and twelve legislative bodies have come and gone. We are now in the midst of our 113th Congress. And since our inception, only 27 of these assemblies have consisted of a sixty percent majo...
Can The Free Market Solve Campaign Finance Reform?
Can The Free Market Solve Campaign Finance Reform?
Maryna Pleshkun // Shutterstock.comThere has been a lot of discussion about campaign finance reform. Many advocates suggest publicly financed elections, where each candidate gets access to an equal a...
Can States Nullify The Affordable Care Act?
Can States Nullify The Affordable Care Act?
President Obama signs healthcare reform in 2010 // Credit: Reid.senate.govCan a state unilaterally suspend the operation of ObamaCare within its borders? Of course not. That measure would violate the...