
Search query: missouri

7 Things You Need to Know About the Wisconsin Voter ID Decision
7 Things You Need to Know About the Wisconsin Voter ID Decision
A national discussion regarding the state of civil rights in the U.S. exploded after racial comments made by Clippers owner Donald Sterling were made public, followed by news that he has been banned f...
Raising The Minimum Wage Will Fail; Eliminate Unemployment
Raising The Minimum Wage Will Fail; Eliminate Unemployment
There is considerable news in the press about setting the minimum wage at $10.10 per hour. Recently, Connecticut became the first state to pass this as the minimum wage. Is this the answer? Or is the ...
Bill Requiring Warrant to Track Mobile Devices Passes Mo. House 134-13
Bill Requiring Warrant to Track Mobile Devices Passes Mo. House 134-13
In Missouri, the state House of Representatives recently and overwhelmingly passed a bill that would compel law enforcement officials to get a warrant before tracking a person's electronic mobile devi...
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
It seems that in every cycle there is debate about which states should hold the first presidential primary elections. Some state always seems to try to jump ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire. Since 1972...
The Story of Kay Shea: Farmers and Nationwide Affiliates Treatment of 86 Year Old
The Story of Kay Shea: Farmers and Nationwide Affiliates Treatment of 86 Year Old
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxmGjcTWKuoMeet Kay Shea, now 86 years old, 83 at the time of her accident. In August 2011, Kay was hit head on by a 17-year-old boy on a two lane road in central Missou...
Hard Evidence Supports the Need for Voter ID Laws
Hard Evidence Supports the Need for Voter ID Laws
As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?  - William M. “Boss” Tweed, c. 1871History shows that for as long as the right to vote has existed, that right has been threatened...
Raising The Minimum Wage: Income Equality or Job Killer?
Raising The Minimum Wage: Income Equality or Job Killer?
Massachusetts passed the first wage law in 1912, followed soon after by thirteen more states and the District of Columbia. However, the Supreme Court ruling in Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United ...
California Senators to NSA: Not So Fast, We Follow the Fourth Amendment
California Senators to NSA: Not So Fast, We Follow the Fourth Amendment
A bipartisan team of California lawmakers is pushing a bill through California's legislature that would prevent any state-related entity from  disclosing information on citizens to federal agents...
Competitors In NY's 11th Congressional District Fight for Moderate Vote
Competitors In NY's 11th Congressional District Fight for Moderate Vote
When one thinks of the political “center” of America, the 11th Congressional District in New York, comprised of Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, is hardly the first image that comes to mind. After...
Tuition Increases by 2.9% in 2013; Lowest Increase in 30 Years
Tuition Increases by 2.9% in 2013; Lowest Increase in 30 Years
  Concerns about rising tuition and how students can afford to finance their major investments in post-secondary education are widespread. Solid insights into these questions require accurat...