
Search query: missouri

Partisan Advocate Fears Calif. Court May Side with Voters
Partisan Advocate Fears Calif. Court May Side with Voters
On Thursday, January 15, oral arguments were made before the California State Appeals Court in San Francisco in the case Rubin v. Bowen. Third parties continue to challenge the nonpartisan, top-two op...
Legislatures v. The People: SCOTUS to Rule on Who Has Ultimate Power over Elections
Legislatures v. The People: SCOTUS to Rule on Who Has Ultimate Power over Elections
Although the midterm election fever has largely subsided, the courts are heating up over the issue of redistricting and gerrymandering lawsuits. For the 2014 term, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hea...
500 Deadly Encounters With Police Officers Stir National Debate
500 Deadly Encounters With Police Officers Stir National Debate
The announcement this week that the officer who killed Eric Garner would not be tried for homicide has further fueled public debate as to the appropriate level of force police officers use while in pe...
Do Independent Redistricting Commissions Pass Constitutional Muster?
Do Independent Redistricting Commissions Pass Constitutional Muster?
Redistricting is a process that occurs once every ten years, where census data is utilized to redraw the boundaries of each congressional district, so as to keep the representational power of eac...
One Man Stops Bipartisan Bill to De-Militarize Police after Ferguson
One Man Stops Bipartisan Bill to De-Militarize Police after Ferguson
As the protests in Ferguson, Missouri continue, the U.S. Congress recently blocked a vote on a bipartisan bill that would have restricted the transfer of military-grade weapons and vehicles to lo...
Ferguson Grand Jury: No Probable Cause To Charge Officer in Michael Brown Shooting
Ferguson Grand Jury: No Probable Cause To Charge Officer in Michael Brown Shooting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4PZoCyjZd4A grand jury found there was not enough evidence to indict officer Darren Wilson for the August 9 shooting of Michael Brown. The prosecuting attorney for St....
Looking to the Founders: Ferguson, The Boston Massacre, and the Rule of Law
Looking to the Founders: Ferguson, The Boston Massacre, and the Rule of Law
Right now, all eyes in the nation are on Ferguson, Missouri, anticipating the results of the grand jury investigation into the killing of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson.Businesses are b...
Where Do Veterans Turn When They Have Nowhere to Go?
Where Do Veterans Turn When They Have Nowhere to Go?
As we wrap up Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, and as the VA health care problems linger on, it has become tragically apparent that more and more veterans are feeling like they have nowhere to ...
Looking to the Founders: Government Shouldn't Profit from Crime
Looking to the Founders: Government Shouldn't Profit from Crime
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." - Declaration of ...
Just When You Thought The Madness Was Over, The Kansas Senate Race Gets Weirder
Just When You Thought The Madness Was Over, The Kansas Senate Race Gets Weirder
Kris Kobach, the Republican secretary of state in Kansas, has spent a good portion of his political career defending the "purity" of the election process. Kobach has been involved in numerous voting r...