
Search query: ohio

What Now: The Longest Running Campaign Joke Is Now America's Nightmare
What Now: The Longest Running Campaign Joke Is Now America's Nightmare
In June, I watched donald trump in New Hampshire speak at a campaign appearance in a big home before an all-white audience. (donald trump appears in lower case, as I refuse to accord him the dignity h...
RNC Rule 40: What The Ron Paul Rule Now Means for Donald Trump
RNC Rule 40: What The Ron Paul Rule Now Means for Donald Trump
The 2016 RNC convention in Cleveland is only three months away, but it is perhaps a rule used in 2012 that will have the greatest impact in Ohio.In 2012, Republicans were worried about Ron Paul's ...
How 200 Promised Voter Fraud Cases Turned Into Just One Successful Prosecution
How 200 Promised Voter Fraud Cases Turned Into Just One Successful Prosecution
When Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach lobbied for prosecutorial power in voter fraud cases before the state legislature, he promised 100 immediate cases for prosecution (then 200). Yet nine and a...
Donald Cools Down "Trump Force One" to Focus on New York Sweep
Donald Cools Down "Trump Force One" to Focus on New York Sweep
Unlike his opponents, Donald Trump seems to love to fly around the country and pop in to speak before large crowds at every contest. It didn't matter what his prospects of winning were, there was Trum...
New Lawsuit Claims Ohio is Illegally Removing Voters from Rolls
New Lawsuit Claims Ohio is Illegally Removing Voters from Rolls
Ohio may be illegally purging thousands of citizens from its registration rolls. That is what a new lawsuit is alleging, according to a recent article published on MSNBC. Ohio is always a ke...
For First Time in Modern U.S. History, California A Must Win for Republican Candidates
For First Time in Modern U.S. History, California A Must Win for Republican Candidates
For the first time in years, it looks as though California’s primary has a chance to affect the Republican presidential nomination. The primary does not usually offer much sway in the presidential nom...
Cruz Leads in Wisconsin; But Infighting May Turn State Blue
Cruz Leads in Wisconsin; But Infighting May Turn State Blue
Wisconsin has long been an important battleground state in the modern election cycles for president. Its 10 electoral votes prove critical in most pathways to victory, but an important twist is happen...
How Well is the Media Vetting Donald Trump?
How Well is the Media Vetting Donald Trump?
But quantity does not necessarily imply quality. While coverage has been abundant, it is worth exploring the nature of that coverage, and, specifically, whether the media is adequately vetting Trump a...
The GOP Donors Funding the #NeverTrump Movement
The GOP Donors Funding the #NeverTrump Movement
As Donald Trump steamrolls his GOP rivals in primary contests across the country, a new civil war is brewing within the GOP between his supporters and those who say simply, #NeverTrump.And as candidat...
Crowdpac: Does Kasich Stand a Chance at the Nomination?
Crowdpac: Does Kasich Stand a Chance at the Nomination?
Not long ago, following serial losses in primary contests across the country, Ohio Governor John Kasich was left for dead in the race for the GOP nomination. But now that Marco Rubio has pulled the pl...