
Search query: alabama

Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Independents Call for Congressional Hearings on Disenfranchisement
Independents Call for Congressional Hearings on Disenfranchisement
Independents around the country are calling on Congress to hold hearings investigating the disenfranchisement of Independents from the political process. The campaign, launched by IndependentVoting.or...
Artur Davis, Ex-Obama Backer Leaves Democrats, Says Future Run Will Be as Republican
Artur Davis, Ex-Obama Backer Leaves Democrats, Says Future Run Will Be as Republican
Artur Davis, at one time a Democrat representing Alabama's 7th Congressional District from 2003 to 2010, has decided to leave the Democratic Party. Furthermore, while undecided about the possibility o...
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
The blogosphere is in a flurry today on the heels of the Ron Paul campaign announcement. Concerning its future in states yet to hold Republican primary elections, it looks like Dr. Paul will not be po...
Agriculture & Voters Keen on Guest Worker Program
Agriculture & Voters Keen on Guest Worker Program
 Attempts to tackle comprehensive immigration reform at the state level has wounded agriculture and exposed an unavoidable issue for farm-state lawmakers seeking election in 2012. Because U.S. ci...
Looking Towards Tampa: Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy
Looking Towards Tampa: Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy
continued his march this week to the Republican nomination in Tampa. However, as has been noted repeatedly throughout the process, he is a very weak nominee. There also continues to be a substantial ...
The Price of Fracking: Earthquakes & Groundwater Contamination
The Price of Fracking: Earthquakes & Groundwater Contamination
 It is possible – even likely – that the fracking process to extract natural gas and oil from underground rock formations causes earthquakes. The facts are clear: in the geographical part of the ...
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows President Obama has a solid lead among independent voters in key swing states over presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney. He now polli...
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
The US Supreme Court will hold hearings this week on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obama’s health care plan. The lawsuit was filed by twenty six states, four small business owners, an...