
Search query: tennessee

Muslims in America: The Public Perception
Muslims in America: The Public Perception
Credit: creativemuslims.comAs political polarization becomes stronger and significant, it's important to also look into cultural and religious polarization.  The number of Muslims in America is ...
Drug Addiction: One Baby Per Hour Born Addicted to Drugs
Drug Addiction: One Baby Per Hour Born Addicted to Drugs
Drug addiction in mothers is leading to a sharp and alarming rise in babies born addicted to drugs in the US.  The addictions are almost always to powerful opiates like Oxycontin and Vicodin, whi...
Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
This election, an estimated five million eligible voters will be disenfranchised from the political process due to new voter identification laws. These de-facto voter suppression laws not only make it...
Interview with a Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate
Interview with a Libertarian Party US Senate Candidate
Dr. Shaun Crowell is a veterinarian and small business owner from Union City, TN whose animal hospital in the little town of Spring Hill, TN has grown every year despite the recession. He's also the L...
America Then & Now: 1790 Census to 2010 [INFOGRAPHIC]
America Then & Now: 1790 Census to 2010 [INFOGRAPHIC]
July 4th, 2012 marks the United States’ 236th birthday. Although still a relatively young nation, the U.S. has transformed into an influential world power with a large and diverse population. The impl...
The Dark Side of Scientific Rationality and Liberal Policy Failure
The Dark Side of Scientific Rationality and Liberal Policy Failure
The roots of liberal policy failure are intertwined with the dark side of scientific rationality.During the 1980s and 1990s, experts working for the World Bank and development agencies persuaded ...
DEA Administrator Testifies Before Congress Following String of Scandals
DEA Administrator Testifies Before Congress Following String of Scandals
Recently DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart attended a DEA Oversight Judiciary Subcommittee hearing regarding the DEA's priorities. This is most likely a result of multiple recent episo...
Senate Farm Bill Ambitious Policy Reform Proposal
Senate Farm Bill Ambitious Policy Reform Proposal
A five-year agricultural spending bill was passed by the Senate yesterday on a 65-34 vote. This version of the farm bill is expected to cost $970 billion. The following are some observations on the mo...
The American System
The American System
He came up with what he called the American System.  His name was Henry Clay of Kentucky.  In 1806, Henry Clay was elected to the US Senate by the Kentucky legislature.  At which, he se...
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...