
Search query: oklahoma

Aftermath of Super Tuesday Split Decision
Aftermath of Super Tuesday Split Decision
Republicans held their Super Tuesday election contests earlier this week and despite media build-up, it was a decidedly split decision. As IVN reported earlier, this split means the Republican primary...
Super Tuesday Divides GOP
Super Tuesday Divides GOP
Winning 6 states, including the critical state of Ohio, Mitt Romney won the most Super Tuesday contests last night, followed by Santorum's 3 wins, Gingrich's single win in his home state of Georgia, w...
GOP Mardi Gras: Gearing Up for Michigan Primary
GOP Mardi Gras: Gearing Up for Michigan Primary
With next Tuesday's Michigan Primary looming over the GOP candidates and a debate scheduled for tomorrow, tension increases between Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. This primary will prove to be an...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
"Romney was the latest target Tuesday night in Denver, when a man tried to toss what appeared to be blue glitter on the former Massachusetts governor as he shook hands with supporters after delivering...
Canadian Tar Sands
Canadian Tar Sands
The Canadian Tar Sands have become a hot topic on the campaign trail this year especially since President Obama rejected the proposed Keystone Oil Pipeline extension.  Yes, I said extension becau...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: January 26, 2012
Presidential Election 2012 Update: January 26, 2012
The four remaining Republican presidential candidates will meet in Jacksonville, Florida for the 19th Republican debate, tonight at 8 p.m. ET (7 p.m. central, 5 p.m. pacific). Hosted by CNN, this deba...
Arizona legislators push bill to allow guns on college campuses
Arizona legislators push bill to allow guns on college campuses
In a move sure to be controversial and which has already received national attention, Arizona legislators have redrafted legislation to allow guns to be carried at public colleges and universities. Go...
Virginia GOP Primary highlights need for ballot access reform
Virginia GOP Primary highlights need for ballot access reform
Supporters of independent and third party candidates have long decried the draconian laws regulating ballot access in states across the country.  They have argued that the ballot access system, w...
Report:  California animal agriculture is a job creator
Report: California animal agriculture is a job creator
Over the past decade, California dairies, ranches and livestock farms have created 17,000 jobs for the state. A new report that analyzes federal data from 2000 to 2010 shows that the $289 billion a ye...
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...