
Search query: ohio

Several Lawsuits Challenge Undemocratic Primary Election Practices
Several Lawsuits Challenge Undemocratic Primary Election Practices
The 2016 primaries have been fraught with controversy. Stories of purging, voter confusion, registration swaps, and lawsuits against state officials and practices have been popping up across the natio...
4 Harsh Realities Voters Will Face Going into the November Elections
4 Harsh Realities Voters Will Face Going into the November Elections
I've never liked the lesser-of-two-evils type of election. It's bad politics and the voters deserve better.But after Tuesday night, the near end of the primary season, the cold math becomes a rac...
At This Point, Democrats Cannot Risk Crucial Swing States by Extinguishing the 'Bern'
At This Point, Democrats Cannot Risk Crucial Swing States by Extinguishing the 'Bern'
"This is what Democrats united to beat Donald Trump look like. Get ready, Donald – we're coming." -- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)Ever since the days of Lyndon Johnson's presidency, t...
Study: 43 States Will Use Outdated Voting Technology in the 2016 Election
Study: 43 States Will Use Outdated Voting Technology in the 2016 Election
During the 2016 election, it is estimated that 43 states will use electronic voting machines that are at least 10 years old. In an era where consumers are constantly updating their personal technology...
#NeverTrump Movement Struggles in Search for New Presidential Candidate
#NeverTrump Movement Struggles in Search for New Presidential Candidate
Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both rather unpopular. How unpopular? According to one recent poll, 52 percent of the public views Clinton unfavorably, and 55 percent view...
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
By sheer statistical coincidence, the percentage of Americans who self-identify as independents (approximately 40 percent) is nearly identical to the percentage of Americans who self-identify as moder...
Loretta Sánchez: “Estoy en desacuerdo con la Presidenta del Partido Demócrata; dejemos que los independientes voten”
Loretta Sánchez: “Estoy en desacuerdo con la Presidenta del Partido Demócrata; dejemos que los independientes voten”
En una entrevista para IVN, la Congresista Demócrata de los Estados Unidos Loretta Sánchez conversó con nosotros sobre sus posibilidades de ganar la contienda para ocupar el asiento de Barbara Boxer e...
Democratic Candidate Loretta Sanchez: 'I Disagree with the DNC Chair; Let Independents Vote'
Democratic Candidate Loretta Sanchez: 'I Disagree with the DNC Chair; Let Independents Vote'
In an interview for IVN, Democratic U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez discussed her chances in the competitive race for Barbara Boxer's open U.S. Senate seat.Sanchez, who currently represents C...
Electoral Map Could Turn Into Nightmare for Clinton and Trump
Electoral Map Could Turn Into Nightmare for Clinton and Trump
As is the nature of a federal republic, all too often major presidential elections come down to just a handful of states. This year, it's beginning to look like ten states will make or break the presi...
Independents Weigh Disappointment with Obama, Disapproval of Trump ahead of Fall Election
Independents Weigh Disappointment with Obama, Disapproval of Trump ahead of Fall Election
In the aftermath of the departures of both U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio from the Republican presidential primary contest, the public’s attention is now beginning to shift t...