
Search query: alabama

Five Foreign Policy Problems the Next President Must Face
Five Foreign Policy Problems the Next President Must Face
The 2012 campaign has largely been about the state of the economy and Republicans and Democrats trading body blows over partisan politics. Despite an ongoing war in Afghanistan and clamoring calls for...
California Legislature Approves Election Day Registration
California Legislature Approves Election Day Registration
On Thursday, the California State Senate passed a bill to allow Election Day Registration (EDR), which will allow citizens to register to vote up to and on the day of an election.The bill, AB 1436, pa...
LGBT Community Puts Economic Pressure on Political Opponents
LGBT Community Puts Economic Pressure on Political Opponents
Photo: Houston ChronicleSocial justice has been a perennial topic of discussion in the United States from the progressive reforms of the Gilded Age to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Today, t...
The American Independent Party
The American Independent Party
It is a common misconception that the 'American Independent' party designation represents true political independence. It doesn't. In fact, many voters may carry this designation without kno...
Obtain Voter ID: The Fifth Wednesday of Any Month
Obtain Voter ID: The Fifth Wednesday of Any Month
Credit: texastribune.orgThe United States has some of the lowest voter turnout and voter participation rates of any industrialized country in the world. Low voter turnout is typically ascribed to vot...
Taser Moratorium Gains Support after Vermont Taser Death
Taser Moratorium Gains Support after Vermont Taser Death
MacAdam Mason. Dead after being tased by a police office. He was unarmed. Credit: theduckshoot.comIn the first three weeks following the police taser death of MacAdam Mason, an unarmed epileptic Verm...
Mitt Romney Faces Scrutiny From Own Party on Tax Returns
Mitt Romney Faces Scrutiny From Own Party on Tax Returns
Photo: Gage SkidmoreIt is not easy running for public office, especially president of the United States. Once you become a candidate for president, you have alienated at least 40-45% of all Americans...
Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
This election, an estimated five million eligible voters will be disenfranchised from the political process due to new voter identification laws. These de-facto voter suppression laws not only make it...
Ron Paul "Supporters'" Flawed Lawsuit Against the RNC
Ron Paul "Supporters'" Flawed Lawsuit Against the RNC
In terms of bizarre twists, last week, a lawsuit was filed in United States District Court for the Central District of California – entitled Delegates To The Republican National Convention vs. Republi...
Ron Paul \Supporters'\ Flawed Lawsuit Against the RNC
Ron Paul \Supporters'\ Flawed Lawsuit Against the RNC
In terms of bizarre twists, last week, a lawsuit was filed in United States District Court for the Central District of California – entitled Delegates To The Republican National Convention vs. Republi...