
Search query: west virginia

Will The First Prison Sentence over Super PAC Shenanigans Matter?
Will The First Prison Sentence over Super PAC Shenanigans Matter?
On Friday, June 12, Tyler Harber was sentenced to serve two years in prison, making him the first person to be convicted and jailed for unlawfully coordinating activities between a supe...
#StandWithRand: POTUS Candidate Filibusters to End NSA Spying
#StandWithRand: POTUS Candidate Filibusters to End NSA Spying
Kentucky U.S. Senator Rand Paul announced on his Facebook page and Twitter account that he has taken the Senate floor to begin his filibuster of renewing the PATRIOT Act, specifically provisions in Se...
Outrage over Religious Freedom Laws Expands Nationwide; Alters Future Elections
Outrage over Religious Freedom Laws Expands Nationwide; Alters Future Elections
Controversy over Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" is being heralded as a bellwether for national opinion by some LGBT advocates.The bill gave businesses the right to deny service to someo...
'Religious Freedom Laws': The Jim Crow Laws of the 21st Century
'Religious Freedom Laws': The Jim Crow Laws of the 21st Century
There is an old axiom that history repeats itself. Some may dispute this claim, but it is hard to argue with what a person can witness happening right in front of them. One just has to pay attent...
Civics and Elections: Saving Our Democracy Begins with Young Voters
Civics and Elections: Saving Our Democracy Begins with Young Voters
In Athens of antiquity, the inventors of democracy set up a law that required every person to vote. Anyone found not voting would be publicly marked and labeled an idiot; someone who thought their own...
Major Parties Conduct State-by-State Effort to Limit Voter Participation
Major Parties Conduct State-by-State Effort to Limit Voter Participation
There is an ongoing lawsuit attempting to close Montana’s open primary system. This lawsuit is being joined by the Montana Republican Party. State Republicans support closing their primaries beca...
Top-Two Election Reform Will Not Boost Voter Participation -- On Its Own
Top-Two Election Reform Will Not Boost Voter Participation -- On Its Own
On Friday, February 6, the Cook Political Report published an article on the impact the nonpartisan, top-two primary and independent redistricting have had on voter turnout. The author, Amy Walter, po...
 47 U.S. Representatives Co-Sponsor Bipartisan Industrial Hemp Farming Act
47 U.S. Representatives Co-Sponsor Bipartisan Industrial Hemp Farming Act
Vote Hemp, a major grassroots hemp advocacy group, on Thursday announced the introduction of complementary bills in the U.S. House and Senate, S. 134 and H.R. 525, titled the "Industrial Hemp Farming ...
Pentagon Officials Send Mixed Signals on ISIS Threats to Military Families
Pentagon Officials Send Mixed Signals on ISIS Threats to Military Families
Several weeks ago, ISIS issued a threat against military members and their families, saying that their jihadist supporters would seek them out and kill them where they live. When asked about it during...
Satire and Mockery in a Free Society
Satire and Mockery in a Free Society
Malice never was his aim, He lash'd the vice but spar'd the name. No individual could resent, Where thousands equally were meant. His satyr points at no defect, But what all mortals may correct; For ...