
Search query: vermont

District of Columbia: Where The Feds Will Take Your Money But Won't Give You Representation
District of Columbia: Where The Feds Will Take Your Money But Won't Give You Representation
In the United States, every citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote a congressman or congresswoman into office to represent the interests of his or her district -- except for roughly 650,000 ...
Former, Current POTUS Candidates Say Whoever Wins National Popular Vote Should Win Election
Former, Current POTUS Candidates Say Whoever Wins National Popular Vote Should Win Election
Since the movement launched in 2006, National Popular Vote has made significant progress to reform the way Americans elect their president.The group's plan involves a state-by-state approach. States t...
How to Solve the Second Amendment Debate
How to Solve the Second Amendment Debate
There has been yet another mass murder using a gun in the U.S., and now we have the inevitable reiteration of the arguments for and against ‘gun control.’ To my mind, all we need to wrap this up is to...
Congratulations Congress: You Voted Against Torture... Great Job!
Congratulations Congress: You Voted Against Torture... Great Job!
In December 2014 the Senate Intelligence Committee declassified its 500-page executive summary on the use of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' by the CIA during the Bush administration. The report w...
Bernie Sanders Answers Your Questions in Reddit AMA
Bernie Sanders Answers Your Questions in Reddit AMA
On Tuesday, the independent senator from Vermont and Democratic candidate for president, Bernie Sanders, took to the popular social media platform, Reddit, to answer questions in the first AMA in the ...
Opinion: Governor Hogan Must Stand By Voting Rights in Maryland
Opinion: Governor Hogan Must Stand By Voting Rights in Maryland
According to the Sentencing Project, an estimated 5.85 million American citizens today are denied the right to vote because of state laws that prohibit voting by people with felony convictions.The Mar...
Is Bernie Sanders the Ron Paul of 2016?
Is Bernie Sanders the Ron Paul of 2016?
In an op-ed piece for The Week, Peter Weber found comparing Bernie Sanders to Ron Paul more appropriate than comparing Sanders to any other presidential candidate from a previous election. Howeve...
Can Bernie Sanders Beat Hillary Clinton on Foreign Policy, Civil Liberties?
Can Bernie Sanders Beat Hillary Clinton on Foreign Policy, Civil Liberties?
With U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) entering the race for the Democratic presidential nomination against Hillary Clinton, he may offer disgruntled liberals and Democrats an alternative voi...
IVN Exclusive Interview: Gyrocopter Pilot Says Risking Jail Time Worth It
IVN Exclusive Interview: Gyrocopter Pilot Says Risking Jail Time Worth It
His name may not ring a bell, but he would prefer that you remember him for what he did instead.Doug Hughes came into the national spotlight recently for landing a gyrocopter on the Capitol Lawn,...
Independent Bernie Sanders Enters Presidential Race; Challenges Hillary's Claim over Democratic Party
Independent Bernie Sanders Enters Presidential Race; Challenges Hillary's Claim over Democratic Party
On Thursday, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will officially announce his presidential candidacy, becoming the first candidate to challenge Hillary Clinton for t...