
Search query: utah

Ranked Choice Voting Gets Bipartisan Support in Utah
Ranked Choice Voting Gets Bipartisan Support in Utah
Last week, Utah state Representative Rebecca Chavez-Houck introduced legislation that would initiate ranked choice voting (RCV) in her state. According to fairvote.org, a nonpartisan, nonprofit advoca...
Trump Silent on Biggest Campaign Promise: Unrigging the Election System
Trump Silent on Biggest Campaign Promise: Unrigging the Election System
President Donald Trump’s first weeks as president seem to be centered around one strategy: Prove to the American people that he’s a man of his word and that unlike most politicians, he will actually k...
Obamacare: The Pinnacle of Two-Party Hypocrisy
Obamacare: The Pinnacle of Two-Party Hypocrisy
With a Trump presidency coupled with a GOP Congress on the near horizon, changes in health care reform are finally on the table. Other than those with preexisting conditions, many on the left hav...
Marijuana Policy Project: Trump Administration's Stance on Prohibition Enforcement 'Promising'
Marijuana Policy Project: Trump Administration's Stance on Prohibition Enforcement 'Promising'
The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), the nation's largest marijuana policy organization, released a statement Tuesday, January 10, regarding U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions' remarks on prohibition enforceme...
Ranked Choice Voting: An Easy Solution to Fix Our Broken Elections
Ranked Choice Voting: An Easy Solution to Fix Our Broken Elections
This piece, written by Rob Richie, originally appeared in Cato Unbound as the lead essay in a series on ranked choice voting in December of 2016.American democracy today is working more poorly than it...
Why the Democratic Party Opposes “One Person, One Vote”
Why the Democratic Party Opposes “One Person, One Vote”
Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election, the Democratic Party and its allies have had a renewed appreciation for the “one person, one vote” principle established in the landmark 1964 Sup...
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
In August, just one month after the Democratic National Convention, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced the launch of Our Revolution, a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping his progressiv...
The Recipe Independent Reformers Need to Sweeten The Fetid Brew of Two-Party Elections
The Recipe Independent Reformers Need to Sweeten The Fetid Brew of Two-Party Elections
Deep in their cups after November 8th, lamenting the rolling tragedy that was this election season, the realization will settle in: “We could have won this one.”“This was a winnable race. The opponent...
Nate Silver Confirms: Johnson Could Still Upset the Election
Nate Silver Confirms: Johnson Could Still Upset the Election
A vote for Governor Gary Johnson has been described by both sides as a wasted vote, a protest vote, and a vote that will elect the candidate you fear the most. This oversimplification of our political...
Schwarzenegger: U.S. Politics Needs an Open Conversation, Not a Closed One
Schwarzenegger: U.S. Politics Needs an Open Conversation, Not a Closed One
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced Friday that he supports Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld appearing in the presidential debates for the same reason he supported nonp...