
Search query: hawaii

OPINION: The Irrationality of Iowa and N.H. Going First in Presidential Elections
OPINION: The Irrationality of Iowa and N.H. Going First in Presidential Elections
NPR and other media outlets have aired interviews with Iowans on why Iowa always gets to go first. Who goes second gets far less coverage, but the same logic presumably applies. If what some Iowans sa...
Virginia Loyalty Oath: Party Over Country
Virginia Loyalty Oath: Party Over Country
The fact that Virginia’s Republican Party wants voters to take a Party loyalty oath as a condition of voting in the publicly-funded and administered presidential primary shouldn’t surprise anyone...
4 Proposed Reforms to Strengthen Your Voice in Presidential Elections
4 Proposed Reforms to Strengthen Your Voice in Presidential Elections
The United States is often celebrated as the world’s leading example of representative government. However, we as a nation barely inspire half of our voters to show up for a national election—lea...
Oklahoma GOP Tells Independents They Aren't Welcome in Primary Elections
Oklahoma GOP Tells Independents They Aren't Welcome in Primary Elections
Channel 9 in Oklahoma City reported Tuesday that the state's Republican Party decided not to let independent voters participate in its primary elections in 2016. This means that if independent vo...
Bipartisan Team of Lawmakers Says Throwing Out Assad Now Will Only Strengthen ISIS
Bipartisan Team of Lawmakers Says Throwing Out Assad Now Will Only Strengthen ISIS
A team of bipartisan lawmakers has introduced a bill designed to end what they call "the illegal, counter-productive war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad."U.S. Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, a H...
Independent Voter Project Conference: Good Government Requires Nonpartisan Discussions, Not Party Politics
Independent Voter Project Conference: Good Government Requires Nonpartisan Discussions, Not Party Politics
The Independent Voter Project (IVP) hosted its 2015 Business and Leadership Policy Conference at the Fairmont Hotel in Maui. The conference brought together California lawmakers from both political pa...
DNC Vice-Chair Punished for Calling for More Presidential Debates
DNC Vice-Chair Punished for Calling for More Presidential Debates
For those concerned about the state of our political discussion, or better yet, those who have turned their heads the other way because politicians don't seem to care about having a real conversation,...
'One Person, One Vote': SCOTUS to Decide if Non-Registered Voters Deserve Representation
'One Person, One Vote': SCOTUS to Decide if Non-Registered Voters Deserve Representation
The U.S Supreme Court's October term isn't filled with landmark cases, but one in particular may have a profound effect on the U.S election system. The Evenwel v. Abbott case was filed back in Februar...
From Grassroots Movement to Major Party: A Brief History of the Independent Party of Oregon
From Grassroots Movement to Major Party: A Brief History of the Independent Party of Oregon
In February, IVN.us reported on the possibility that the Independent Party of Oregon might be named Oregon's third major party by registering 5 percent of the state's voters by August 17 of this year....
The First Amendment You Know Was Not The One Proposed by the Founders
The First Amendment You Know Was Not The One Proposed by the Founders
We all know that the Bill of Rights enshrined in the Constitution contains ten amendments. However, it is less well known that the Bill of Rights sent to the states for ratification originally contain...