Search query: wyoming

California utility companies scrambling to buy out-of-state renewable energy
California utility companies scrambling to buy out-of-state renewable energy
The California Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) passed in 2002 and was accelerated in 2006. It mandates that electricity providers get at least 20% of their retail sales from renewable sources by th ...
08 Apr, 2010
3 min read
States' rights movement sweeping across America
States' rights movement sweeping across America
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s quest to convince the federal government to put-up-or-shut-up by paying California an additional $6.9 billion he says the state needs to carry out Washington D.C. imposed ...
19 Mar, 2010
7 min read
The great Starbucks gun debate
The great Starbucks gun debate
Starbucks, replying to a petition from a gun control group, has said it will not ban the carry of handguns in its stores, if permitted by local law. The controversy ignited in Walnut Creek, CA when me ...
02 Mar, 2010
2 min read