
Search query: kansas

Independent Congressional Candidate Alan LaPolice Could Make History in Kansas
Independent Congressional Candidate Alan LaPolice Could Make History in Kansas
Kansas is not typically a state that gets much attention during an election year. It is generally considered a solid red state; however, that began to change in 2014 when independent U.S. Senate ...
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...
Green Party Ballot Access at Highest Levels in 2016
Green Party Ballot Access at Highest Levels in 2016
Green Party ballot access campaigns have had more success in 2016 than ever before, according to Rick Lass, Ballot Access Coordinator for the Jill Stein campaign.You can check out the Greens' infograp...
Massachusetts' Attack on Independent Voters
Massachusetts' Attack on Independent Voters
“Those who have been bred in the school of politics fail now and always to face the facts.”  ― Henry David Thoreau, “Slavery in Massachusetts”It was disappointing to read that Massachusetts Secre...
Kansas Should Become A Model for the Independent Movement
Kansas Should Become A Model for the Independent Movement
I've said throughout this election cycle that top-down campaigning won't have great results when it comes to independents and third-party candidates trying to affect change.Bernie Sanders came to this...
Kansas Debate Sponsors Shut Out Independent in Two-Way Congressional Race
Kansas Debate Sponsors Shut Out Independent in Two-Way Congressional Race
Every election year, the Kansas State Fair is the primary platform for candidates running for state and federal offices to debate in a public, neutral environment -- and often with very large, energet...
2016 a Historic Year for Third Party, Independent Ballot Access in Kansas
2016 a Historic Year for Third Party, Independent Ballot Access in Kansas
Not since 2008 has the Libertarian Party been this active in Kansas politics, with a candidate challenging all four congressional districts, the Senate seat, and the presidency in the same election ye...
It's Been a Tough Week for Voter Suppression Laws And Their Creators
It's Been a Tough Week for Voter Suppression Laws And Their Creators
Over the past month, the courts have systematically begun to dismantle voter suppression laws in 4 states. Texas, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Kansas have all seen various laws designed to 'pro...
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
1. Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain. In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legisla...
Kansas Bucks Primary Trend; Voters Turn to Independent-Minded Politicians
Kansas Bucks Primary Trend; Voters Turn to Independent-Minded Politicians
There seems to be an axiom in modern politics, that to win a general election you have to win over the moderates, but to win in the primary you have to 'be the best party member' to have a chance.Hist...