
Search query: colorado

250+ Independent Leaders Unite During Historic Fight Against Two-Party Control
250+ Independent Leaders Unite During Historic Fight Against Two-Party Control
DENVER, COLO. - Unite America, a national organization providing support for independent candidates running for elected office in various states, hosted the first-ever Unite Summit in Denver, Colorado...
9 States Where Registered Independents Outnumber Both Major Political Parties
9 States Where Registered Independents Outnumber Both Major Political Parties
Millions of voters are not just choosing to self-identify as independent of the two major parties, they are dumping their party registrations in droves.In about half the states that register voters by...
Koch Brothers Break With Trump: 5 Things You Need to Know
Koch Brothers Break With Trump: 5 Things You Need to Know
In the face of mounting criticism from the notorious libertarian billionaire industrialists, Charles and David Koch, Donald Trump flamed the Koch Brothers on Twitter Tuesday, tweeting:"The globalist K...
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
Earlier this year, Utah and Washington quietly joined 14 other states that have eliminated the use of registration deadlines as a final cutoff to be able to vote. The congruent actions of a red s...
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
The independent and nonpartisan reform movements have never seen the momentum they are seeing today. Voters are ditching the Republican and Democratic Parties in droves. A record number of independent...
Colorado Voters Could Soon Elect Their First Independent Congressman
Colorado Voters Could Soon Elect Their First Independent Congressman
BOULDER, COLO. - Nick Thomas, who has an opportunity to be Colorado's first independent congressman, has officially qualified for the November ballot in the state's 2nd Congressional District. Th...
Does Your Child Have Jordan's Syndrome?
Does Your Child Have Jordan's Syndrome?
The odds are stacked dramatically in your favor that your child does not have Jordan’s Syndrome. The exception to that is if your child has unexplained developmental disabilities. And if your child ha...
Colorado's First Open Primary Exceeds Expectations for Valid Independent Voter Ballots
Colorado's First Open Primary Exceeds Expectations for Valid Independent Voter Ballots
DENVER, CO. - The state of Colorado's first open primary since the reform passed in 2016 was a massive success for independent voters and the state's county clerks.The Associated Press reports that of...
I Miss Anthony Kennedy Already
I Miss Anthony Kennedy Already
I miss Anthony Kennedy already. Other people have written eloquently about Kennedy’s contributions to the Supreme Court. After the retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor (whom I miss, too), Kennedy became ...
Yellow Journalism? VICE Produces Emotional Spot On Insulin Pricing With No Facts
Yellow Journalism? VICE Produces Emotional Spot On Insulin Pricing With No Facts
VICE News produced a 5 minute video for its HBO series following a Colorado diabetes patient who is testifying at the state capitol in favor of a bill which would require insulin manufacturers to...