
Search query: alaska

As We Move Toward Normalcy, We Must Continue Prioritizing Workers
As We Move Toward Normalcy, We Must Continue Prioritizing Workers
After more than a year of economic suffering that has left millions of Americans reeling from the devastating effects of unemployment, the end finally appears to be in sight. While the upward trends t...
Thanks To Ranked Choice Voting, A NYC Mayoral Candidate Won't Win with 32% of the Vote
Thanks To Ranked Choice Voting, A NYC Mayoral Candidate Won't Win with 32% of the Vote
Voters in New York City won't know who won Tuesday's hotly contested Democratic mayoral primary just yet. Voters went to the polls to rank for the first time their preferences in a large field of viab...
PBS Film Digs Deep Into The Rise of the 'Democracy Rebellion'
PBS Film Digs Deep Into The Rise of the 'Democracy Rebellion'
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. - The most important story not being told by the mainstream press today is the many movements that have emerged to give voters an electoral system that is truly “of, by, and for” the...
Bill To Give Parties Control over Congressional Primaries in Louisiana Dropped
Bill To Give Parties Control over Congressional Primaries in Louisiana Dropped
The movement to take control of primaries out of the hands of political parties is growing. However, nonpartisan primary systems are only in place in a few states, and the only nonpartisan system in t...
Political Parties Should Be Players in Our Politics, Not The Rule Makers
Political Parties Should Be Players in Our Politics, Not The Rule Makers
We all know the system is broken. It’s rigged. It does not work. How do we know? Because our leaders are not producing solutions to the issues we care about. No one is listening, just talking past eac...
Voters Have A Right to Choose The Election System They Want
Voters Have A Right to Choose The Election System They Want
In the latest episode of Toppling the Duopoly, host Shawn Griffiths  and his guests discuss a lawsuit that seeks to overturn the will of the people in Alaska, who approved a comprehensive reform ...
Partisan Insiders Attempt to Rob Alaskans of Political Reforms They Voted For
Partisan Insiders Attempt to Rob Alaskans of Political Reforms They Voted For
Alaskans for Better Elections, along with Alaska’s Division of Elections, have filed for summary judgment in a lawsuit to overturn the historic election reform a majority of voters approved in Novembe...
Maine Voters Deserve More Freedom: Support Nonpartisan Open Primaries!
Maine Voters Deserve More Freedom: Support Nonpartisan Open Primaries!
Editor's Note: The following piece was originally published as a "Letter to the Editor" for the Portland Press Herald and has been republiched on IVN by request and with permission from the autho...
Report: Voters Largely Denied A Meaningful Say In Most Congressional Elections
Report: Voters Largely Denied A Meaningful Say In Most Congressional Elections
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher.‍Despite record-high turnout in last year's general election, a n...
The Youth Vote: Will The Future Be Defined By Party Politics?
The Youth Vote: Will The Future Be Defined By Party Politics?
The general perception of young voters is that they are largely detached from politics and thus have no interest and don’t participate. Yet, the largest segment of the voting population -- Generation ...