
Search query: ohio

SURVEY SAYS: Rigged Elections Remain Major Concern
SURVEY SAYS: Rigged Elections Remain Major Concern
A survey of attendees at the 2017 People’s Summit in Chicago -- conducted by members of Independent Voting’s national network -- probed: Whether concern over the process by which the 2016 presidentia...
WATCH: Dems Want to Fire Nancy Pelosi
WATCH: Dems Want to Fire Nancy Pelosi
Grabien published a video montage Friday of the Democratic lawmakers who are now calling on US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to step down or be replaced. In fact, 12 Democrats reported...
SCOTUS: Unanimous Ruling Protects Immigrants Who Lie
SCOTUS: Unanimous Ruling Protects Immigrants Who Lie
The Supreme Court unanimously decided in Maslenjak v. US to limit the government's ability to remove U.S. citizenship from immigrants who lie during the naturalization process.The justices r...
The Race To Privatize The Friendly Skies
The Race To Privatize The Friendly Skies
Experts agree that the time to overhaul the US’s air traffic control system may be at hand; especially, as drone technology advances with commercial delivery capabilities.President Trump said in a new...
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
National Popular Vote Compact Makes Huge Inroads in Another State
Ballot Access News reported Wednesday that the Oregon State House passed a bill that would add Oregon to the National Popular Vote Compact (NPVC). The plan is simple: Each state that joins the NP...
Fixing America’s Presidential Elections in Just Two Steps (Part 2)
Fixing America’s Presidential Elections in Just Two Steps (Part 2)
Recording Votes: Fixing the Electoral CollegeOur Electoral College (EC) is out of date. Powerful coalitions exist to push for its effective abolishment and a switch to a popular vote, but the support ...
7 Questions with Independent Cincinnati City Council Candidate Matt Teaford
7 Questions with Independent Cincinnati City Council Candidate Matt Teaford
In such a polarized landscape, it’s hard to believe that the majority of voters actually identify as being an independent. Making up the largest portion of voters in America, they’re the ones who ofte...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Libertarian Party Fights Back Against Duopoly Nationwide
Libertarian Party Fights Back Against Duopoly Nationwide
The Libertarian Party continues to bask in a historic election year, gaining party status and ballot access in more states in 2016. The general platform of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism/to...
The "States' Rights Party" Has a Serious States' Rights Problem
The "States' Rights Party" Has a Serious States' Rights Problem
The issue of civil liberties versus states' rights has entered the forefront of the national political discussion as the White House made two announcements this week: (1) It's a states' rights issue t...