
Search query: new jersey

Bernie Sanders: An Independent In Name Only?
Bernie Sanders: An Independent In Name Only?
I voted for Bernie Sanders.Not because I’m a liberal. Not for any particular ideological reason, actually.I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary because, to me, he represented the only real challen...
Supreme Court To Consider Hearing Bipartisan Lawsuits Challenging Open Primaries
Supreme Court To Consider Hearing Bipartisan Lawsuits Challenging Open Primaries
Legal efforts to shut out voters from publicly-funded primary elections in Hawaii and Montana may be heard by the Supreme Court next week.The lawsuits challenging open primaries were brought by Republ...
9 States Introduce Ranked Choice Voting in January
9 States Introduce Ranked Choice Voting in January
As the new year gets underway, state legislatures around the country are convening to tackle the issues of the day. In at least nine states, electoral reform is on the agenda. Building on the momentum...
Lucy Killea: A Political Icon Who Transcended Partisan Politics
Lucy Killea: A Political Icon Who Transcended Partisan Politics
As a young guy it didn’t take me long to figure out how smart Lucy Killea was. She was an extraordinary intellect and a great politician. She was clever and capable of not getting stuck in the ruts th...
Guadagno for Governor: Join a Party or Don't Vote
Guadagno for Governor: Join a Party or Don't Vote
Kim Guadagno, who is New Jersey's lieutenant governor and secretary of state, is expected to run for governor in the GOP's June primary election against Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli. Guadagno is ...
Why the Democratic Party Opposes “One Person, One Vote”
Why the Democratic Party Opposes “One Person, One Vote”
Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election, the Democratic Party and its allies have had a renewed appreciation for the “one person, one vote” principle established in the landmark 1964 Sup...
Terror at Home: We Are Smarter Than We Think
Terror at Home: We Are Smarter Than We Think
Fear mongering media outlets have convinced many that we are losing the war on terror at home. The truth is, however, that we are doing quite well.According to the October Terror Threat Snap...
November Candidate Guide: Districts 1 and 9 and City Attorney
November Candidate Guide: Districts 1 and 9 and City Attorney
San Diego, CALIF. - San Diego’s election system doesn't look like the state of California.Since 1989, the City has had an election loophole, allowing candidates who receive over 50% of the p...
State-by-State Efforts to End Partisan Gerrymandering
State-by-State Efforts to End Partisan Gerrymandering
Gerrymandering is nearly as old as America itself, named after James Madison’s vice president and governor of Massachusetts, Elbridge Gerry. The advantageous practice of drawing legislative districts ...
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...