
Search query: maryland

Terror at Home: We Are Smarter Than We Think
Terror at Home: We Are Smarter Than We Think
Fear mongering media outlets have convinced many that we are losing the war on terror at home. The truth is, however, that we are doing quite well.According to the October Terror Threat Snap...
How 600,000 People Broke Big Money's Grip On Power
How 600,000 People Broke Big Money's Grip On Power
This election was historic for the movement to break big money’s grip on our political system. On November 8, 2016, voters in South Dakota passed the first-ever statewide Anti-Corruption Act. This bal...
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
In August, just one month after the Democratic National Convention, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced the launch of Our Revolution, a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping his progressiv...
Break Out of the Illusion: The Two-Party Duopoly Is a Sham
Break Out of the Illusion: The Two-Party Duopoly Is a Sham
In the old Soviet Union, people had "free" elections and were "free" to choose any Communist candidate that had been selected for the election. Most of the people of the Soviet Union understood well t...
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Independent, Third Party Candidates: Vote Your Conscience; Stick With Us
Why stick with third party and independent candidates in November, if Clinton and Trump have a combined 80% of the electorate in all major polls? In an election season that is anything but usual, one ...
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
In recent years, there have been several top-down attempts to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United. That decision, made in 2010, birthed legal entities known as super PAC...
Yes, the California Presidential Primaries Were Confusing... And Expensive
Yes, the California Presidential Primaries Were Confusing... And Expensive
Several California voter registrars confirmed last week what the Independent Voter Project warned Secretary of State Alex Padilla about well ahead of the 2016 primary elections. As a result of insuffi...
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
1. Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain. In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legisla...
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
third par·tynoun: a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation, especially a dispute.Almost since the beginning of the American Republic, voters have had a third choice. A party...
6 Overlooked Facts You May Not Know about U.S. Presidential Elections
6 Overlooked Facts You May Not Know about U.S. Presidential Elections
It's looking more and more like at least 3 presidential candidates will win electoral votes this cycle, something that hasn't happened since 1988 when Lloyd Bentsen received one electoral vote from fa...