
Search query: california

Independent Voter Project Petitions US Supreme Court Over California's Alleged Voter Suppression in Presidential Primaries
Independent Voter Project Petitions US Supreme Court Over California's Alleged Voter Suppression in Presidential Primaries
The Independent Voter Project (IVP) has petitioned the US Supreme Court to hear its case against California’s use of a semi-closed presidential primary system, which the group states not only violates...
Pew: Only 4% of Americans Think US Political System Is Working 'Very Well'
Pew: Only 4% of Americans Think US Political System Is Working 'Very Well'
US voters in greater numbers than ever before do not trust the political process. In fact, according to a comprehensive study from Pew, “just 4% of U.S. adults say the political system is working extremely or very well.”
Utah Group Seeks to Empower Voters to Reform Manipulative and Divisive Primary Elections
Utah Group Seeks to Empower Voters to Reform Manipulative and Divisive Primary Elections
With each new chaotic moment in US politics, more Americans demand better – better elections and a better political environment. In single-party strongholds, like Utah, movements have emerged to break...
Study: Breaking National Trends, CA's Top-Two Primary Increased Competition and Decreased Polarization
Study: Breaking National Trends, CA's Top-Two Primary Increased Competition and Decreased Polarization
California is one of only a few states that has broken the trend of increased polarization, according to a report released earlier this year. And the most significant thing that separates Californ...
Turnout Among Young Voters Significantly Higher in Vote at Home States, Report Finds
Turnout Among Young Voters Significantly Higher in Vote at Home States, Report Finds
As the political landscape in the US shifts and some states find ways to offer their citizens more accessible elections, young voters are challenging conventional political wisdom in a significant way...
Make it with Mexico: Binational Conference to Boost US-Mexico Trade
Make it with Mexico: Binational Conference to Boost US-Mexico Trade
Photo Credit: Jorge Aguilar on Unsplash   Much of the discussion on international business relations and manufacturing centers on countries that are often adversarial to domestic inter...
PODCAST: Debunking the Myths About US-Mexico Cooperation with Asm David Alvarez
PODCAST: Debunking the Myths About US-Mexico Cooperation with Asm David Alvarez
The significance of the San Diego Tijuana Binational region cannot be overstated. It is an honor to represent and share with others the importance, diversity, and economic ties between Mexico and California. -Assemblymember David Alvarez
Nonpartisan Voters Now Outnumber Democrats and Republicans in Nevada
Nonpartisan Voters Now Outnumber Democrats and Republicans in Nevada
The latest voter registration data in Nevada shows that nonpartisan voters have surpassed registered Democrats as the largest voting demographic in the state – a development that highlights the need for more representative elections for voters outside the major parties.
Over 80 Indie Leaders Sign Letter Thanking Chuck Todd for Spotlighting Independent Movement
Over 80 Indie Leaders Sign Letter Thanking Chuck Todd for Spotlighting Independent Movement
We received your announcement that you will be stepping down as moderator of NBC’s “Meet The Press” with mixed reaction. Of course, we are happy that you are on to your next chapter and wish you all the best.
Will One of the Nation's Most Partisan States Open Its Primaries?
Will One of the Nation's Most Partisan States Open Its Primaries?
Oklahoma is as deep red as a state can get. Of the 2.2 million registered voters, over half are registered Republicans. But does this mean that voters outside the party shouldn’t have a say in who represents them?