
Search query: south dakota

'Fixed Political Convictions' are Hurting Kansas Schools
'Fixed Political Convictions' are Hurting Kansas Schools
According to a recent report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), a think tank based in Washington, D.C., Kansas had the fourth biggest drop in per-student funding (total dollar amo...
IVN Daily Digest -- August 19, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- August 19, 2014
1. Op-ed says open primary would unlock voting for all Florida voters."In an open primary, all registered voters can vote for any candidate, regardless of their political affiliation or lack thereof. ...
IVN Daily Digest -- July 24, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- July 24, 2014
1. Illinois Times runs op-ed saying open primaries and redistricting reform would help ease partisan gridlock in Washington."Open primaries would help moderate the nation’s politics, as would bipartis...
Centrist Project Voice Endorses 5 Independent-Minded Candidates
Centrist Project Voice Endorses 5 Independent-Minded Candidates
The Centrist Project Voice, a political action committee the Centrist Project says is the first to support candidates ready to set partisanship aside and "focus on the core issues of critical importan...
The New Radicals: How the Moderate Wing is Shaping the 2014 Elections
The New Radicals: How the Moderate Wing is Shaping the 2014 Elections
In the wake of last week's startling upset of Eric Cantor, it would be easy to believe that the political middle will once again be left out in the cold. Yet something unique is happening this primary...
Keystone May Be A Bigger Election Issue Than Some Realize
Keystone May Be A Bigger Election Issue Than Some Realize
It’s no secret that the Keystone issue is a political powder keg. Neither is it a secret that it’s a controversial topic pitting two traditional foes: environmentalists versus big oil. Very murky...
Psychological Effects of Poverty Just As Bad As Physical
Psychological Effects of Poverty Just As Bad As Physical
For the 46.5 million Americans living below the poverty line, 16 million of which are children, life has become a consistent struggle. This struggle does not simply begin and end with monetary concern...
Independent Larry Pressler Wants to End 'Poisonous' Disputes in DC
Independent Larry Pressler Wants to End 'Poisonous' Disputes in DC
With the announced retirement of South Dakota U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D) back in March, it seemed that a takeover of the seat by Republicans was all but certain due to a lack of viable Dem...
Centrist Project Launches Nation's First PAC for Moderate Voters
Centrist Project Launches Nation's First PAC for Moderate Voters
On Wednesday, May 14, The Centrist Project launched The Centrist Project Voice, a political action committee supporting centrist candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who are willing to put par...
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
A More Inclusive Presidential Primary Would Motivate Voters to Participate
It seems that in every cycle there is debate about which states should hold the first presidential primary elections. Some state always seems to try to jump ahead of Iowa and New Hampshire. Since 1972...