
Search query: oklahoma

There Will Be No House Divided: Defining Marriage and the Art of Being a Country
There Will Be No House Divided: Defining Marriage and the Art of Being a Country
"A house divided against itself cannot stand. . . . It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public ...
Why Won't Our Senate Audit The Federal Reserve?
Why Won't Our Senate Audit The Federal Reserve?
After a committee vote and hearings in the US Senate on the nomination of Janet Yellen to the chair of the Federal Reserve system, many in the United States wait to see if the institution she plans to...
Mass Shootings ; There’ll Be No Magic In The Number Twelve
Mass Shootings ; There’ll Be No Magic In The Number Twelve
University of Texas Tower // Credit: Larry D Moore 1980 WikidpediaNor is there magic in 950; the approximate number of victims of mass shootings in the US since 1982 alone and over 200 mass killings ...
Some States Continue to Struggle Despite Core Curriculum Standards
Some States Continue to Struggle Despite Core Curriculum Standards
The goal for a national core curriculum, like Common Core, is to ensure that all students who graduate with a U.S. education are capable of participating in the national economy. Proponents argue stud...
Hey Kids, Let's Put on an Impeachment
Hey Kids, Let's Put on an Impeachment
In a recent town hall meeting, Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn let it be known that, in his opinion, President Obama is “perilously close to the Constitutional standard for impeachment.” He is wrong. I do...
North Carolina Party Leaders to Defend Controversial Voting Laws in Court
North Carolina Party Leaders to Defend Controversial Voting Laws in Court
The partisan battles in North Carolina are extending their reach into the court system.Over the past year, the Republican controlled legislature, aided by a Republican governor, Pat McCrory, enacted a...
Fracking May Provide Most of US Energy Despite Environmental Concerns
Fracking May Provide Most of US Energy Despite Environmental Concerns
Some of the largest known reserves of natural gas are located in the United States; our country alone has an estimated 2,400 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas. Fracking, the process of injec...
Fracking Potential in California is Vast But Barriers Stall Process
Fracking Potential in California is Vast But Barriers Stall Process
Credit: Calin Tatu / Shutterstock.comHydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as fracking, is the process of injecting fluids under high pressure to crack underground rocks and release oil or gas. ...
Can States Nullify The Affordable Care Act?
Can States Nullify The Affordable Care Act?
President Obama signs healthcare reform in 2010 // Credit: Reid.senate.govCan a state unilaterally suspend the operation of ObamaCare within its borders? Of course not. That measure would violate the...
House Lawmakers See Elections Oversight Committee as Waste of Money
House Lawmakers See Elections Oversight Committee as Waste of Money
The community of federal campaign oversight will undergo significant downsizing following announcements from the Federal Election Commission and the House Administration Committee, Wednesday. Tony Her...