
Search query: massachusetts

Are We Finally Seeing a Breakthrough in Mental Health Treatment?
Are We Finally Seeing a Breakthrough in Mental Health Treatment?
Mental health is a difficult topic to discuss even at the best of times. But when a patient is already suffering from a disease or illness, or when they're recovering from surgery, they're in a partic...
One of America's Top Newspapers Just Endorsed Ranked Choice Voting
One of America's Top Newspapers Just Endorsed Ranked Choice Voting
The Boston Globe published an editorial Tuesday, saying the Massachusetts Legislature "would be wise to adopt ranked-choice voting, coupled with a robust voter education campaign, for statewide electi...
9 States Where Registered Independents Outnumber Both Major Political Parties
9 States Where Registered Independents Outnumber Both Major Political Parties
Millions of voters are not just choosing to self-identify as independent of the two major parties, they are dumping their party registrations in droves.In about half the states that register voters by...
Is Massachusetts Carrying the Torch for Ranked Choice Voting?
Is Massachusetts Carrying the Torch for Ranked Choice Voting?
My latest podcast interview is with Adam Friedman, the executive director of Voter Choice Massachusetts. Voter Choice Mass. is an expansive grassroots network of ranked choice voting advocates hosting...
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
The independent and nonpartisan reform movements have never seen the momentum they are seeing today. Voters are ditching the Republican and Democratic Parties in droves. A record number of independent...
Could Ranked Choice Voting Help Save the Parties from Themselves?
Could Ranked Choice Voting Help Save the Parties from Themselves?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwyVJ_-q0mE&feature=youtu.beVideo Source: Rebel HQWhen it comes to electoral reform right now, there is no hotter topic -- arguably -- than ranked choice voting (RC...
SF Gives Ballot Access To Non-Citizens, First In The State
SF Gives Ballot Access To Non-Citizens, First In The State
San Francisco, CA. - San Francisco is now the first city in California to allow non-citizens to vote in elections.In the November 2016 election, San Francisco voters passed Proposition N, the Non-Citi...
The State That Defied America's Archaic Electoral Politics with a New Voting System
The State That Defied America's Archaic Electoral Politics with a New Voting System
Democracy advocates recently celebrated a victory in Maine, where voters used ranked-choice voting in their statewide primaries — the first state ever to do so. In that election, voters also approved ...
Will Massachusetts Soon Follow Maine in Adopting Ranked Choice Voting?
Will Massachusetts Soon Follow Maine in Adopting Ranked Choice Voting?
Ranked choice voting has grown significantly in popularity since the battle between voters and politicians in Maine caught the attention of national media outlets. Now, there are a number of states th...
Former Mass. Governor Bill Weld Endorses Kevin McCormick, Candidate for AZ Governor
Former Mass. Governor Bill Weld Endorses Kevin McCormick, Candidate for AZ Governor
Former Republican Governor of Massachusetts Bill Weld has endorsed Libertarian Kevin McCormick for Governor of Arizona.The announcement comes as McCormick is on the campaign trail, driving home his me...