
Search query: connecticut

New Group Wants Non-Major Party Candidates in POTUS Debates -- To An Extent
New Group Wants Non-Major Party Candidates in POTUS Debates -- To An Extent
It is nearly impossible for candidates outside the major parties to qualify for a presidential debate. The Commission on Presidential Debates, founded by the Republican and Democratic parties in 1988,...
Looking to the Founders: Capital Punishment
Looking to the Founders: Capital Punishment
Last week, the Utah House reignited the capital punishment controversy by approving a measure to bring back the firing squad as a legal form of execution in response to growing court challenges o...
Looking to the Founders: Benjamin Church, Edward Snowden, and Defining Treason
Looking to the Founders: Benjamin Church, Edward Snowden, and Defining Treason
Without a doubt, almost every American knows the name Benedict Arnold. Arnold was the worst form of traitor: one who does the damage, then flees without taking responsibility for their actions.But ano...
Looking to the Founders: Our First President
Looking to the Founders: Our First President
Ready to have everything you ever learned in school about the nation's first president thrown out the window?It wasn't George Washington.While George Washington was our first president under the Const...
8 States Where Party Registration Lags Behind Independent Registration
8 States Where Party Registration Lags Behind Independent Registration
Independent voters are the fastest growing voting bloc in the U.S. The number of people who self-identify as neither Republican nor Democrat has been on a steady incline since 2008. In the last two ye...
Most Memorable Political Bloopers of 2014
Most Memorable Political Bloopers of 2014
As expected of every election season, political gaffes were bound to happen. Gaffes have been associated with campaign exhaustion, an unsuccessful attempt at humor, or a lack of emotional discipline. ...
Political Equality Essential to Counteract Big Money In Elections
Political Equality Essential to Counteract Big Money In Elections
A projected total of $3.6 billion was spent during the 2014 midterm election, according the Center for Responsive Politics. According to the Supreme Court, unlimited spending on electio...
5 Things About the 2014 Midterms You Likely Missed
5 Things About the 2014 Midterms You Likely Missed
Republicans swept the 2014 midterm elections on Tuesday, capturing the Senate and delivering a stinging defeat to Democrats that will likely define the next two years.If the 2010 midterms were a “shel...
Looking to the Founders: The Vote of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Looking to the Founders: The Vote of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
It seems almost crazy to bring up an Aesop's fable in a series about the Founding Father's legacy to America -- but the fable of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse really exemplifies many of th...
IVN Daily Digest -- August 12, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- August 12, 2014
1. Albuquerque Journal says open primaries are something Democrats and Republicans can agree on."More than one in five voters in New Mexico declined to state a party when registering to vote. About 38...