
Search query: RFK

Robert F Kennedy Jr to Speak at Calif. Libertarian Party Convention
Robert F Kennedy Jr to Speak at Calif. Libertarian Party Convention
The Libertarian Party of California (LPCA) announced this week that independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr will be a guest speaker at the party's annual convention and will participate in its POTUS Candidate Panel.
New Poll Shows Kennedy Tied with Biden in Utah; Will Appear in First Debate?
New Poll Shows Kennedy Tied with Biden in Utah; Will Appear in First Debate?
For the first time in decades, an independent presidential candidate has caught up to one of the two establishment parties in a statewide poll.
No Labels' Failed Presidential Math and Why It Should Focus Its Efforts on Reforming the System Instead
No Labels' Failed Presidential Math and Why It Should Focus Its Efforts on Reforming the System Instead
Earlier this month, No Labels officially ended its plans to field a bipartisan “Unity Ticket” in the 2024 presidential election. While most campaigns end due to a lack of voter support or funding, No Labels’s campaign suffered the unique problem of lacking a candidate.
Green Party Leaders Say Major Parties Gutted Presidential Campaign Fund to 'Silence Opposition'
Green Party Leaders Say Major Parties Gutted Presidential Campaign Fund to 'Silence Opposition'
Tax season is here – a time of year many Americans dread. And like every year, when citizens file their taxes, they will be asked a question: "Would you be willing to give $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund?"