
CA Sec. of State Voter Guide: Lt. Governor Candidate Statements

Author: 420 Times
Created: 20 March, 2018
Updated: 18 October, 2022
9 min read

California's Secretary of State Alex Padilla has released the 2018 Voter Guide. The guide contains all relevant information related to the various propositions and candidate races voters will be asked to weigh in on this June.

This article will focus on the race for Lt. Governor and publish the statements that have been provided to the Secretary of State's office.

Eleni Kounalakis | DEMOCRATIC

I’m a businesswoman, mother of two teenage boys, and former U.S. Ambassador under President Obama. My experience has taught me to listen, learn and lead. I’m running for Lieutenant Governor to stand up for California’s values of diversity and opportunity— because they power our economy. California leads the nation and must remain a beacon of hope. I’m proud to be endorsed by Senator Kamala Harris, California Legislative Women’s Caucus, Equality California and California Federation of Teachers. I’ll fight for affordable higher education by opposing tuition hikes at our UCs, CSUs and community colleges. I believe in single-payer and will fight for universal healthcare. I’ll Chair the State Lands Commission and fight against Donald Trump’s scheme to drill for more oil off California’s coast. I’ll oppose offshore leases to Big Oil companies. Period. I’ll help change the political culture in Sacramento to stop sexual harassment in workplaces everywhere. I’m the daughter of an immigrant and the first college graduate in my family. I’ve lived the American Dream. My father came to California alone at age 14, worked as a farmworker, and together we built a family business delivering affordable homes for working families. As a businesswoman, I understand that we must build an economy that lifts up all Californians. I’m proud to have served as Ambassador to Hungary to help promote democracy and fight climate change. I travelled to all 58 counties and heard your personal stories. I’ll always listen to the voices of all Californians. Thank you for your consideration

Cameron Gharabiklou | DEMOCRATIC

Because when the history is written, it’ll say California rose up, resisted, and led this country forward. See how at www.CameronForCalifornia.com

Jeff Bleich | DEMOCRATIC

Serving as a senior advisor to President Obama and as his ambassador to Australia, I saw firsthand that progress depends on everyone’s willingness to “lace up your shoes and run.” I’m running for Lieutenant Governor because California’s economy has changed dramatically, but our political debate hasn’t changed in 30 years. Paychecks aren’t keeping up with the rising costs of housing, healthcare, and education. Millions of jobs have been lost to technology, and millions more will be lost in the next decade. California needs leaders focused on making this new economy work for everyone. I have served as counsel to President Obama, his U.S. Ambassador, and head of both the Cal State University Board and State Bar Board. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated that I know how to win tough fights. As an attorney, I fought and won for our immigrant communities, defeating Pete Wilson’s Prop. 187. I fought to ensure women and people of color could attend our universities despite Prop. 209. I won cases to limit gun sales and to protect domestic violence survivors, and fought for LGBTQ rights decades before they gained widespread support. I’m prepared to take on the new challenges in education, healthcare, and technology that affect everyone. I have been endorsed by Congressmembers Jackie Speier, Adam Schiff, and Ro Khanna, as well as many California State Legislators, Mayors, Supervisors, and Councilmembers. If you want vision and a proven track record for progress and change, I’d be grateful to have your vote.

Ed Hernandez | DEMOCRATIC

More Choice for San Diego

Ed Hernandez, State Senator and small businessman, is running for Lieutenant Governor to expand access to healthcare, lower the cost of prescription drugs, fight for working families, protect our environment, and make higher education more accessible and affordable. A father and grandfather, Hernandez has spent his life serving the healthcare needs of his community by bringing quality eye care to working families in the San Gabriel Valley. The grandson of immigrants, Hernandez grew up in the working-class community of L.A. County, worked his way through college, and built a successful small family business with his wife. As a healthcare provider, Senator Hernandez led the fight to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, passing a landmark law that cracks down on big pharmaceutical corporations for skyrocketing prescription drug costs by creating new, tough transparency rules to help lower drug prices. As a leader in the State Senate, Hernandez has helped pass laws to protect access to clean air and clean water, increase funding for schools and career education programs, and provide one year of free community college. Hernandez is endorsed by California’s Firefighters, the California Teachers Association, the California Nurses Association, State Controller Betty Yee, and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra because they know he will stand up for families against corporate special interests. State Senator Ed Hernandez is also helping lead the effort to end Sacramento’s culture of silence to protect people from sexual harassment, hold abusers accountable, and remove offenders from office. Vote Senator Ed Hernandez for California Lieutenant Governor. E-mail: info@edhernandez4ca.com

David Fennell | REPUBLICAN

David Fennell knows how to fix Sacramento! When you elect me to be your Lieutenant Governor I will do 3 things: 1)Fight Fraud in Sacramento 2)Cut government waste 3)Promote Trade & Investment in California. Friends call me “Mr. California” because I spent 4+ decades traveling to all of California’s 58 Counties & even all 77 district & county fairs. There is no part of our great state where I have not been; no community I won’t visit. I attended public high school in the fishing & farming community of Half Moon Bay. I did my Eagle Scout project at a California State Park. Raised Catholic, I did both my Bachelors & Masters at California Jesuit Universities. I love California and hate how the politicians have wasted our tax dollars and squandered the resources of our great state. I went into politics as a businessman after I uncovered fraud and reported it to authorities. Though several people went to jail, the politicians & lawyers kept the money. California, we can stop fraud! We can stop government waste! We can rebuild our roads & our water systems to prepare for future droughts. We can fix schools and grow business. But we need new leadership in Sacramento! That is why I want you to send me to Sacramento to be your Lt. Governor! I can’t wait to meet you! Please invite me to speak to your community! Let’s fix California Now! Please vote David Fennell for Lt. Governor. God Bless California! dave@fennellforcalifornia.com FennellForCalifornia.com

Tim Ferreira | LIBERTARIAN

What makes a vote for me a vote for a better California? Economy: We cannot afford to continue to spend with no revenue. We cannot afford to continue raising taxes to get revenue. Environment: We need to enforce existing regulations: carry through with fines and penalties for violators. Education: We need empowered teachers, with reasonable class sizes, and plenty of supplies. Economy, Environment, and Education. These are the pillars on which to build a better California and the three areas under the purview of the Lieutenant Governor. Principles: I’m running on libertarian principles. I make decisions on those same principles. Each vote for me (and other Libertarian candidates) sends a mandate to all politicians. A principled mandate they can no longer ignore.

Lydia Ortega | REPUBLICAN

My name is Lydia Ortega and I am running to be your next Lieutenant Governor. I have what no other candidate for Lieutenant Governor has—the skills and experiences directly related to the position. I’m not going to Sacramento to be a “Governor in waiting”, there’s a job to do. As Lieutenant Governor, I will be your voice on the University of California Board of Regents, the California State University board of Trustees, and the Commissions for Economic Development and for State Land Use. As a Ph.D. in economics, I know that when markets are supported with clear laws and free from unnecessary regulations, then businesses, large and small, thrive; everyone flourishes. After 30 years as a University Professor, I know what works and what doesn’t on college campuses. The UC and CSU Boards need this insider perspective. College can be made affordable and productive. Taxpayers cannot continue to foot the increasing bill for education that saddles students with debt and does not prepare them for jobs. My committee and leadership positions at the University, demonstrate that I succeed at finding common ground and know how to solve complex problems. I will make sure that the public bureaucracy remembers that you are the boss, and that our government is accountable to you, the voter and the taxpayer. Running to be a public servant is a civic duty. I bring the integrity, energy, skills and experience necessary to serve you as Lieutenant Governor. To learn more, please visit LydiaOrtega.com


More Choice for San Diego

Senator Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution endorses me because as Mayor of Richmond, California (2007–2014) I led the city’s remarkable transformation, reducing homicides by 75%, increasing the minimum wage to $15, promoting rent control and helping homeowners avoid foreclosure, defending public schools and immigrant rights, protecting the environment, reducing pollution, promoting Community Choice Energy, and forcing Chevron to pay $114 million in additional local taxes. I am running for Lieutenant Governor to be a force in Sacramento against corporate power and backroom deals—to promote a People First agenda. I’m corporate-free: I have refused corporate contributions for all my campaigns and I won four times against heavily funded opposition. After the election, I won’t be indebted to corporations—only to you, the people of California. Our families and communities can thrive again once corporations pay their fair share and we put people first. I support ‘Medicare for All’; closing the commercial property tax loophole of Proposition 13; statewide rent control; a public program for truly affordable homes; tuition-free public college; fully funding public education; ending charter school expansion; stopping the privatization of prisons; a progressive millionaires tax; sustainable development; a ban on fracking; police accountability; a public bank for California; women’s rights and immigrant rights; promoting union organizing; building local grassroots political power; campaign finance reform and public financing of campaigns; and ending all discriminatory practices in our institutions. As Lieutenant Governor, I’ll fight for these issues and organize popular support for a People First agenda. I ask for your vote. E-mail: Gayle@GayleforCalifornia.org


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