
Agreement on Short-Term Rentals Will Boost San Diego’s Tourism Economy

Created: 16 September, 2020
Updated: 14 August, 2022
1 min read

This is an independent opinion. Have one of your own? Write it! Email it to hoa@ivn.us

For years, the future of San Diego’s short-term rentals has been in question, as past attempts at regulation were tantamount to a ban.

As a board member of the Mission Beach Town Council, I am delighted to see the City of San Diego come together with Expedia Group and Unite HERE Local 30 in a historic memorandum of understanding. This MOU sets the stage for responsible short-term rental regulations that protect the sanctity of our neighborhoods while encouraging responsible travel.

Mission Beach short-term rental operators have been responsible partners to Mission Beach and greater San Diego. My property has opened its doors to families who wish to experience our vibrant city. Guests who have stayed with us have ingratiated themselves into the local economy, frequenting San Diego restaurants, shops, bars, and countless other small businesses. Through this process, guests can enjoy San Diego’s offering while residing in self-contained residences.

The MOU allows for property managers to keep their homes open and operate in full compliance with city mandates. Tourism is a vital part of the San Diego economy and properly regulated short-term rentals will help in revving the tourism industry and the tax dollars it generates for the city of San Diego.

I look forward to seeing continued collaboration between City Council members and community stakeholders in working to pass the MOU into law.

-Larry Webb of Mission Beach

This commentary was republished with permission from Times of San Diego.