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CA 2024 Election
SD 2024 Election
Articles by Dog Gone
Independent Voters to Play Pivotal Role in 2014 Minnesota Elections
The Texas Department of Public Safety - embarrassed by their misrepresentation and hysteria.
Kendra Gill, Honor Student and Beauty Queen is the new Kiera Wilmota facing Bottle Bomb charges - where is the media sympathy?
Is Compulsory Voter Registration and Compulsory Election Participation a Good Idea for the U.S.?
The Anniversary of the 2011 England Riots: What can we learn about this and other protests and riots? - part 1
George Zimmerman's heroic car crash rescue appears to be a fraud - Updated
Contradictions: the Law Versus Police and Public Safety Campaigns
Guns, Murders and Suicides, and the U.S. Constitution
False Reporting of Texas Abortion Law Protests Needs Scrutiny
Zimmerman Verdict Reporting of Riots Has Been Grossly Factually Inaccurate