
New California Poll: 61% of Likely Voters Think Third Party is Needed

Created: 25 October, 2018
Updated: 17 October, 2022
1 min read

The Public Policy Institute of California published the results of their latest survey on "Californians & Their Government" Thursday. PPIC reports that most Californians are not satisfied with either major party, and think a third party is needed.

"As likely voters ponder who they should elect to represent them in Washington, views about the major political parties and Congress are in negative territory," said Mark Baldassare, president and CEO of PPIC.

The poll found that only 32 percent of California adults think the parties are doing an adequate job for the American people, a number that drops 3 points when examining likely voters. Not even party members think their own national parties represents the interests of the people.

Fifty-six percent of California Democrats and 53% of California Republicans, according to the poll, believe a third party is needed. A whopping three-fourths (75%) of independents are dissatisfied with the parties as well.

The PPIC further reports:

"As the election nears, likely voters are conflicted about the state of the nation. About half are feeling optimistic about the economy—47 percent expect good economic times in California in the next year, and 53 percent expect good economic times in the nation. In contrast, just 38 percent say that things in the United States are generally going in the right direction."

The discontent with the Republican and Democratic parties is also reflected in voter registration numbers, as more and more voters register No Party Preference. NPP voters make up the second-largest registered voting bloc in California and make up an overwhelming majority of new voters.

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