Here's How Much Republicans Hate the Democratic Establishment

SAN DIEGO, CALIF. - Is there a scenario in which Republicans would support a sanctuary state, Medicare-for-all Democrat if it meant thumbing their nose at the Democratic establishment? That appears to be happening in the California Senate race.
A new poll in California shows Dianne Feinstein with an overwhelming lead over State Senate leader Kevin de León. However, de León is leading with one group in particular -- Republicans -- and there are still many undecided voters.
Here's why this is interesting to note: Kevin de León falls much further to the left on the political spectrum than Feinstein. He was the author of California's sanctuary state bill. He supports “Medicare for All” health care reform. He has promised to resist Trump at every turn.
Still, Republicans rather vote for a far-left Democrat than the Democrat at the center of the Kavanaugh controversy.
It is important to note that Feinstein -- the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee -- may or may not have been responsible for the leak of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's letter, which accused then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school. However, the perception among many Republicans is that Feinstein orchestrated the whole thing for political purposes.
This was the topic of an IVN article published not long after the final Kavanaugh vote. The article predicted that Republicans' anger over the Kavanaugh confirmation process -- even though he was confirmed in the end -- would be seen in the California Senate race, and it turns out that prediction was correct.
Many Republican voters don't care about de León's ideological leanings. They want Feinstein out.
Will they get their wish? The odds are against them right now. However, this race will be decided by voters outside the Democratic Party, so how Republicans and No Party Preference voters cast their ballots is going to be important.
Photo Source: AP