Maine Independent: The Parties Have Failed You, But I Won't

Maine businessman and independent state legislator Martin Grohman launched his campaign for Congress Tuesday. Grohman is running to represent Maine's First Congressional District against incumbent Democratic Rep. Chellie Pingree.
Like many independent candidates and most US voters, Grohman is fed up with the hyper-partisan gridlock that has crippled the legislative process and prevents anything substantive from getting done in the US.
"Our nation faces enormous challenges, but Washington is too entrenched in party gridlock to effectively address them," says Grohman.
"Government should not just lurch from crisis to crisis. The partisan fighting is exhausting for the public. We need a new approach. We need our elected officials to come out of their partisan corners, sit down together, and work out real solutions. That’s why I’m running for Congress."
Grohman is currently serving his second term as state representative for House District 12 (Biddeford). In 2017, he was ranked the most bipartisan member of the Maine Legislature, and says he plans on bringing his approach to legislating to Washington.
"Voters are frustrated. They can see that nothing is getting done. Instead of seeing solutions, they see gridlock, disrespect, partisan attacks, and grandstanding. Government is doing the absolute bare minimum and not taking on the big problems. We need representatives who can cross the partisan divide," says Grohman. "My bipartisan approach to issues resulted in real solutions in the Maine Legislature. I can bring that same approach to the U.S. House of Representatives."
Grohman released the following video with his announcement:
Maine's 1st Congressional District has a long history of voting for Democratic incumbents. However, 2018 has already been a historic year for independent candidates and significant support for these candidates is reaching new highs.
Maine is also a hot spot for the independent and political reform movements right now.
Maine's first independent state treasurer, Terry Hayes, is running for governor, and Maine voters continue to revolt against state politicians' attempts to delay and repeal voter-approved ranked choice voting reform, which notably could have a game-changing impact on congressional races like the election in the 1st Congressional District.
Stay tuned for future coverage on this race and more!