
Republican Congressional Candidate Stumps For "Direct Democracy?"

Author: Jeff Powers
Created: 16 February, 2018
Updated: 21 November, 2022
3 min read

Michael Allman would not be the first politician to attempt a successful campaign based on the idea of "Direct Democracy," but he is the latest. And perhaps most surprising, he is a Republican running on that message.

Also interesting is the fact that California is a top two state meaning the top two finishers in the primary will go on to the general election, regardless of party preference.

I asked Allman if he would be running if California didn't have a Nonpartisan primary, "I would not, a lot of things had to come together for this to be the right time and the right place. And one of them is the nonpartisan primary. I can win the election without having to come up through the party process, but what I found is that the Republicans really like my message as well."

Direct Democracy is Allman's signature platform. On Allman's website he notes:

"Direct Democracy is simple. I pledge to vote on issues the way you, the voters of the 52nd Congressional District, tell me to vote, on an issue-by-issue basis. It doesn’t matter what the political parties say, or the special interests, or the lobbyists, media, or anyone else."

He continues, "I will determine your preference on specific issues with an on-line voting system. The website will list important issues of the day, ranging from tax reform, jobs, health care, the military, gun control, the environment, individual civil rights, and much more."

Allman sat down with IVN recently to discuss his views, his candidacy and his chances of representing the 52nd district:



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"The problem we have today is that we have a two party system and the people sitting in the house and senate almost always vote with the parties. I'm going to let the voters have a direct say in my policy decisions. It's going to be an issue by issue basis on a website that I've created. I'm going to put up questions like budget, taxes, gun control, DACA, all of the issues of the day, with pros and cons and you as a voter can weigh in on those issues, and however you vote that's the way I'm going to vote in Congress."


"Part of the problem we have in Washington is we don't have enough people who have run businesses so they don't understand what businesses really need. Having the depth of business experience that I have, from championing the solar industry to being the president of a software company, I grew that business. So we need people with business experience in Washington."


"I'm about to embark on a town hall style campaign, throughout the 52nd district I'm going to identify places where I can go and meet people, and we will do a good job of publicizing it, so we anticipate getting big crowds, and I'm going to listen to what people really want. The biggest frustration that I've heard from voters is their elected officials don't listen to their needs. My goal is to change that."


The 52nd congressional district consists of several communities in San Diego County including Del Mar, La Jolla, Tierrasanta, Linda Vista and Coronado.

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The district is evenly split between democrats, republicans and  independents.

Democrat Scott Peters is the incumbent. No Democrat is challenging Peters.

The results of the 2016 election are below.

Courtesy: Wikipedia

Six Republicans have pulled papers and are running to defeat Peters for the seat. California is a top two state meaning the top two finishers in the primary will go on to the general election, regardless of party preference. No Democrat is challenging Peters.

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