
Veterans Offer Their Own Solutions to Fixing Broken VA Healthcare System

Created: 01 May, 2017
Updated: 17 October, 2022
1 min read

There is no doubt that one of the most broken of all government agencies is the VHA (Veterans Health Administration). Many veterans -- including myself -- feel Congress is just dragging its feet with the Veterans Healthcare System in general. But like the old adage goes, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." Then there's, "A complaint without a solution is just whining."

So to get things done right and to provide solutions, a crusade to reform the Veterans Healthcare System has been launched. It started out with a simple questionnaire shared on Facebook in veterans groups and on the personal pages of veterans. There have been over 100 responses to the questionnaire/survey as of the writing of this article.

Now, a new website has been launched, VHA Reform. The stated goal in its Mission Statement is to bring real reform to the Veterans Healthcare System. The survey page provides a link to the previously mentioned questionnaire and preliminary results of the survey. The survey collects no personal information, but allows respondents to leave their email address if they want to be kept informed of the progress or lack thereof.

In addition to the survey, which will be used in a report sent to Congress, efforts are underway to build a political coalition in Congress to pass legislation that will ultimately bring much needed reform to the Veterans Healthcare System.

If you are a concerned veteran or a supporter of veterans consider going to the VHA Reform website and give them a little support. The group claims they will not ask for money, just your time to share and pass around the website link and submit your ideas and suggestions. They are also in need of volunteers to help with collecting information that will be useful to the cause.

Photo Credit: Steve Cukrov / shutterstock.com

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