
Trump Ignites San Diego Crowd; Issa Admits Frustration with GOP Establishment

Author: Jeff Powers
Created: 27 May, 2016
Updated: 21 November, 2022
2 min read

SAN DIEGO, CALIF. - Speaking before a crowd estimated near 15,000 at the San Diego Convention Center, Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to take care of our nation’s veterans, build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, unite the Republican Party behind a central message of national strength, and emphasized how unfair and undemocratic the delegate and two-party system has become.

Trump has spent the last month hitting different cities across the Golden State. His message to voters in San Diego, “We are going to win the state of California, people are tired of the Hillary Clintons of the world. Our world cannot take another four years of Obama.”

Trump also took on the “rigged” voting system by complimenting Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. Trump said, “Bernie Sanders is incredible; what he’s doing is incredible. The system is rigged against Bernie.” Trump is of course referring to the Democrats' delegate system that’s giving Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton a wide margin of victory despite Sanders’ run of state wins.

Trump backed out of the offer to debate Bernie and give $10 million to charity, saying it would be inappropriate to debate Sanders who is in second place to Clinton.

Trump then turned his attention to San Diego. His close allies wonder why he is continuing these rallies when he’s already wrapped up the nomination. He said,” I love San Diego; I have so many friends in San Diego.”

One of those friends is Republican businessman Papa Doug Manchester, who reportedly worked hard to get Trump to come to America’s Finest City. Trump said of Manchester, “I’m going to build the wall. If I don’t, Papa Doug will,” to which the crowd started chanting, “Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall!”

Joining Trump on stage were veterans as well as local Republican U.S. Reps. Duncan Hunter Jr. and Darrell Issa. IVN San Diego got an exclusive interview with congressman Issa prior to the event and asked him why the local Republican establishment -- including Mayor Kevin Faulconer -- has yet to endorse the Republican nominee. Issa said:

“Well you know in a matter of weeks we’re going to have a primary for many of our officials. They would like to get their 51% and end their races; that's politics. The mayor has absolutely not had his election yet. I would expect him and the local establishment to come on board in July.” - U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa

Issa is referring to the Republican Convention, which will take place in July.

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San Diego has what some would call an undemocratic municipal code which states that any candidate that gets 50%+1 in the primary doesn’t have to take part in the November general election. Issa is referring to that possibility for Mayor Faulconer as he runs against independent candidate Lori Saldaña and Democrat Ed Harris.

A poll conducted earlier this week by IVN showed Faulconer within the 50% +1 margin of error of not having to run in November.

Photo Credit: Jeff Powers / IVN San Diego

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