California Today
San Diego Union Tribune
1.19 million voters turn out on election day in San Diego County
Exit poll: Black voters back Calif. marriage ban
Gay marriage ban foes take fight to the courts
L.A. Times
Backers focused Prop. 8 battle beyond marriage
Anti-gang measure fails by slim margain
Prop. 2 probably won't hike egg prices
Sacramento Bee
Calif. redistricting change hinges on uncounted votes
Prop. 4 on parental notification defeated
Massive budget deficit keeps growing, Senate cheif says
Editorial: Propositions: A very mixed bag
Weintraub: State finances are heading for precipice
San Francisco Chronicle
State voters undaunted by bad economy, vote to increase spending
Couples rush to get married on Election Day
Editorial: Courts have legal right to stand up to Prop. 8
Proposition setbacks could cost San Francisco mayor in long term