
Search query: tennessee

Moving Toward Federalism: The Louisiana Purchase and the 2016 Election
Moving Toward Federalism: The Louisiana Purchase and the 2016 Election
With the Looking to the Founders series running its natural course, it seemed appropriate to move to the next stage of American History. Not that there was a lack of material, but a realization t...
Standards of Leadership: What The Current POTUS Field Can Learn from Robert Kennedy
Standards of Leadership: What The Current POTUS Field Can Learn from Robert Kennedy
"What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists." - Donal...
Government of a Few: New Data Shows Just How Broken Our Democracy Really Is
Government of a Few: New Data Shows Just How Broken Our Democracy Really Is
FairVote on June 12 released Government of the Few in the “Decided Dozen" -- Frozen Representation and the Distorted Demographics of Decisive Primary Elections. Report authors Andrew Douglas and Zack ...
Standing at a Crossroads, America Must Decide The Right Path in 2016
Standing at a Crossroads, America Must Decide The Right Path in 2016
Historically, when an election has a wide-open field of candidates, both inside and outside of the two-party system, it's a symptom of America facing a major crossroads.Sometimes it's a party ideologi...
Cancer Charities Con Victims out of $187 Million, Government Says
Cancer Charities Con Victims out of $187 Million, Government Says
When people give money to a charity, they give it with the hope that their donation will go toward whatever cause the charity represents, whether it be cancer research, global health care and/or ...
Constitution Party Has Ballot Access in 13 States and Continues to Grow
Constitution Party Has Ballot Access in 13 States and Continues to Grow
It’s hard to look at the doctrine of the Constitution Party without seeing references to overt religious fundamentals -- namely, Christian fundamentals. The preamble to its platform begins:"The C...
Expanding the Role of Uncle Sam: The Excesses of the New Deal
Expanding the Role of Uncle Sam: The Excesses of the New Deal
In the last article, we covered how utopian dreaming and rationalistic faith in planning undermined the fundamentally conservative nature of the old Hamiltonian tradition and brought about a deformed ...
Major Parties Conduct State-by-State Effort to Limit Voter Participation
Major Parties Conduct State-by-State Effort to Limit Voter Participation
There is an ongoing lawsuit attempting to close Montana’s open primary system. This lawsuit is being joined by the Montana Republican Party. State Republicans support closing their primaries beca...
How America's Tax Rates Compare With Other Countries
How America's Tax Rates Compare With Other Countries
On December 16, 1773, a group of colonists dressed as Indians boarded three British cargo ships to destroy 342 cases of tea -- a "tea party" over a 90 percent tax cut.Tea throughout the Empire had bee...
 47 U.S. Representatives Co-Sponsor Bipartisan Industrial Hemp Farming Act
47 U.S. Representatives Co-Sponsor Bipartisan Industrial Hemp Farming Act
Vote Hemp, a major grassroots hemp advocacy group, on Thursday announced the introduction of complementary bills in the U.S. House and Senate, S. 134 and H.R. 525, titled the "Industrial Hemp Farming ...