
Search query: new hampshire

Break the Duopoly: It's Time to Make Missouri a Truly "Purple" State
Break the Duopoly: It's Time to Make Missouri a Truly "Purple" State
Missouri is a classic American Purple state. It is coveted by presidential candidates much as Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Florida: It voted twice for Clinton, but also voted for Bush, McCain, Romne...
Legal Marijuana: It Could Save Our Health Care Industry and Economy
Legal Marijuana: It Could Save Our Health Care Industry and Economy
When key states like California, Nevada and Colorado voted to allow recreational marijuana, it was unclear what the economic outcome would be. Many people thought the only stimulus the new laws would ...
Facebook As a Surprising Antidote to Toxic Political Polarization
Facebook As a Surprising Antidote to Toxic Political Polarization
"A house divided against itself cannot stand.” - Abraham LincolnThe almost-deadly attack by a gunman at a Republican baseball practice briefly focused national attention on the dangerous level po...
The Last New England State Just Decriminalized Marijuana
The Last New England State Just Decriminalized Marijuana
On July 18, 2017, New Hampshire became the last of the New England states to decriminalize recreational marijuana.The new law, HB 640, had bipartisan sponsorship and bipartisan support. It will take e...
Libertarian Takeover: More Lawmakers Are Ditching The Major Parties
Libertarian Takeover: More Lawmakers Are Ditching The Major Parties
Getting elected as a third-party candidate is no easy feat in the United States.In fact, the deck is so stacked against alternative candidates — courtesy of gerrymandered voting districts that favor o...
Rise of the Progressives? Millions of Voters Still "Feeling the Bern" Nationwide
Rise of the Progressives? Millions of Voters Still "Feeling the Bern" Nationwide
Democrat Rob Quist was defeated by Republican Greg Gianforte Thursday night in a special election for Montana’s at-large congressional seat, a state President Donald Trump won by 20 points in November...
The People of Florida Have Spoken: They Demand Open Primaries
The People of Florida Have Spoken: They Demand Open Primaries
A true demonstration of democracy is underway in Florida. Over the past two months, the Constitution Revision Commission -- a political body that will select constitutional amendments to place on the ...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Headspinning: Sen. Whitehouse Says Wall Street Really Wanted Bernie Sanders to Win Primary
Headspinning: Sen. Whitehouse Says Wall Street Really Wanted Bernie Sanders to Win Primary
https://twitter.com/TimeForAllofUs/status/849302435873128451Remember all the love Bernie Sanders showed Wall Street during his campaign? Namely none? Well despite that, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R...
Former Sen. Gary Hart Has Dire Warnings About Future of US Foreign Policy
Former Sen. Gary Hart Has Dire Warnings About Future of US Foreign Policy
Former Senator Gary Hart, who co-chaired the United States Commission on National Security, spoke last Friday at a luncheon of The Denver Forum.Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, in introducing the ...