
Search query: new york

SCOTUS Digital Political Ads Now Searchable
SCOTUS Digital Political Ads Now Searchable
Judge Brett Kavanaugh now proceeds to his confirmation hearing as President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court and the possible replacement for Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.Advocacy groups ...
Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Primary Victory Really Shake Up Party Control?
Will Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Primary Victory Really Shake Up Party Control?
A thrilling victory by a young insurgent candidate, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, against a 20-year incumbent and party boss, US Rep. Joseph Crowley, in the June 26 New York primary seems to be reverberat...
Opinion: A Bold Vision Is Needed For San Diego's Waterfront
Opinion: A Bold Vision Is Needed For San Diego's Waterfront
Over the next century San Diego’s population will double to 3 million in the city and 7 million in the county. How will all these people — our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren — enjoy ...
Does Your Child Have Jordan's Syndrome?
Does Your Child Have Jordan's Syndrome?
The odds are stacked dramatically in your favor that your child does not have Jordan’s Syndrome. The exception to that is if your child has unexplained developmental disabilities. And if your child ha...
Colorado's First Open Primary Exceeds Expectations for Valid Independent Voter Ballots
Colorado's First Open Primary Exceeds Expectations for Valid Independent Voter Ballots
DENVER, CO. - The state of Colorado's first open primary since the reform passed in 2016 was a massive success for independent voters and the state's county clerks.The Associated Press reports that of...
I Miss Anthony Kennedy Already
I Miss Anthony Kennedy Already
I miss Anthony Kennedy already. Other people have written eloquently about Kennedy’s contributions to the Supreme Court. After the retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor (whom I miss, too), Kennedy became ...
The State That Defied America's Archaic Electoral Politics with a New Voting System
The State That Defied America's Archaic Electoral Politics with a New Voting System
Democracy advocates recently celebrated a victory in Maine, where voters used ranked-choice voting in their statewide primaries — the first state ever to do so. In that election, voters also approved ...
Politics for the People Book Club: 5 Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List
Politics for the People Book Club: 5 Books to Add to Your Summer Reading List
I am writing from a spot nestled in the woods in Washington County in rural New York, listening to the chatter of the morning birds and looking forward to a walk along the Battenkill River later today...
There's A Reason It's Called the 'Declaration of Independence'
There's A Reason It's Called the 'Declaration of Independence'
RANCHO SANTA FE, CALIF. – While small town parades, backyard barbecues and fireworks displays may be what many people associate with the 4th of July, Independence Day deserves far greater respect. Fif...
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
Being born in America is like winning the lottery of life.Being able-bodied and able-minded on top of that, in good health and of average or better intelligence, is just a big 'ole cherry right on top...