
Search query: vermont

On The Issues: Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands on TPP
On The Issues: Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands on TPP
While it is debatable whether Americans largely approve of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – the massive free trade agreement comprising 11 other countries -- it is undeniable th...
Illinois Independent Candidate Sues over Stringent Ballot Access Laws
Illinois Independent Candidate Sues over Stringent Ballot Access Laws
In Illinois' 13th district, one candidate is suing over the constitutionality of the onerous signature requirements for independent candidates.Republican U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, first electe...
Bernie Sanders Gets Roll Call Vote at DNC
Bernie Sanders Gets Roll Call Vote at DNC
Philadelphia, Penn. - Bernie Sanders' name will be placed in nomination and there will be a full roll-call vote on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) floor Tuesday night.The move comes foll...
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
third par·tynoun: a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation, especially a dispute.Almost since the beginning of the American Republic, voters have had a third choice. A party...
What America and Its Leaders Should Learn From Brexit (But Probably Won't)
What America and Its Leaders Should Learn From Brexit (But Probably Won't)
Days after Brits voted to leave the EU, what will actually happen is far from certain. Millions have signed a petition for a second referendum, which Prime Minister David Cameron claims won't happen.L...
Sanders Says He’ll Vote for Clinton in Presidential Election
Sanders Says He’ll Vote for Clinton in Presidential Election
Washington - While he isn't ready to throw in his campaign towel, Bernie Sanders says he will vote for Hillary Clinton in November.Speaking on MSNBC Friday morning, Sanders was asked whether he planne...
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
To date, seventeen Democratic State Conventions, one legislative district convention, and one county convention have voted to either abolish or reform superdelegates.Following frustration voiced ...
History Proves Our Presidential Nominating Process Could Be Much Worse
History Proves Our Presidential Nominating Process Could Be Much Worse
A new Gallup poll says that two-thirds of Americans now believe that the political system is broken in how we choose the president of the United States.A supermajority of America is soured on the whol...
Bernie Sanders Returns to San Diego: Voters Drawn to Independent Message
Bernie Sanders Returns to San Diego: Voters Drawn to Independent Message
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders brought his presidential campaign back to San Diego, and spoke on the issues that have increased his popularity nationwide, including campaign finance reform, bridging the ...
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
2016 Primary Results Indicate Many Independents Are Not Moderates
By sheer statistical coincidence, the percentage of Americans who self-identify as independents (approximately 40 percent) is nearly identical to the percentage of Americans who self-identify as moder...