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New Report: Ranked Choice Voting Empowers Candidates and Voters of Color
New Report: Ranked Choice Voting Empowers Candidates and Voters of Color
A new report by FairVote sheds light on the positive impacts of ranked choice voting (RCV) on candidates and voters of color. The comprehensive study analyzed 448 RCV elections over two decades, revealing key findings that highlight the benefits of this voting system.
Can Proportional Representation Mend the Fractures In Our Political System -- Or Would It Make Them Worse?
Can Proportional Representation Mend the Fractures In Our Political System -- Or Would It Make Them Worse?
It’s well understood that America is intensely divided today and that our divisions have worsened over time. But when did politics turn into an “us-vs-them” war?
Expect The Rhetoric Around Independent Candidates to Get Worse in 2024
Expect The Rhetoric Around Independent Candidates to Get Worse in 2024
The Republican and Democratic Parties are in panic mode. They see poll after poll show how unfavorable their candidates are and how appealing a third option in the presidential race is going into the ...
Rep. Dean Phillips on How the DNC Turns on Members Who Want to Give Voters Choice
Rep. Dean Phillips on How the DNC Turns on Members Who Want to Give Voters Choice
Former Democratic presidential candidate and Forward Party Co-Founder Andrew Yang sat down with US Rep. Dean Phillips, who announced his presidential campaign in October and seeks to challenge Pre...
2024 Voter Registration by Party in Each State
2024 Voter Registration by Party in Each State
The Independent Voter Project (IVP) has updated its interactive primary map with the voter registration numbers for the 2024 cycle, including a breakdown of voter registration by political party in each state. 
To Be Truly Open, More Reform Is Needed to Maine Primaries
To Be Truly Open, More Reform Is Needed to Maine Primaries
Next year, Maine will hold its first open primary election. Every Maine voter — including the 32 percent registered as unaffiliated — will be able to vote. It’s a critical step forward.  
What If Neither Party Is Capable of Governing?
What If Neither Party Is Capable of Governing?
Editor's Note: This op-ed originally appeared in The Fulcrum and has been republished in its entirety on IVN with permission from the publisher. The author, John Opdycke, is Founder and President of O...
Pew: Only 4% of Americans Think US Political System Is Working 'Very Well'
Pew: Only 4% of Americans Think US Political System Is Working 'Very Well'
US voters in greater numbers than ever before do not trust the political process. In fact, according to a comprehensive study from Pew, “just 4% of U.S. adults say the political system is working extremely or very well.”
Utah Group Seeks to Empower Voters to Reform Manipulative and Divisive Primary Elections
Utah Group Seeks to Empower Voters to Reform Manipulative and Divisive Primary Elections
With each new chaotic moment in US politics, more Americans demand better – better elections and a better political environment. In single-party strongholds, like Utah, movements have emerged to break...
House to Vote on New Speaker -- Why Not an Independent?
House to Vote on New Speaker -- Why Not an Independent?
The House of Representatives voted Tuesday to oust US Rep Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. It is the first time a speaker has been removed by a House resolution brought forth by a member to remove them.