
Search query: arizona

Voters sour on the Obama administration's lawsuit against Arizona immigration law
Voters sour on the Obama administration's lawsuit against Arizona immigration law
Voters are convinced that the Obama Administration’s pursuit of a lawsuit against Arizona’s immigration law is the wrong approach in dealing with the matter.  A Rasmussen poll released last week ...
Nation's Hispanics in limbo while awaiting leadership on immigration reform
Nation's Hispanics in limbo while awaiting leadership on immigration reform
The LA Times reports that anti-SB 1070 activists are attempting capitalize on Latino voter anger over Arizona’s immigration law, by working to transform Hispanic sentiment into ballot box dividends fo...
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
On July 1, the federal government and dozens of states set up temporary “high-risk” health insurance pools for people denied health insurance due to so-called pre-existing conditions. These pools were...
President Obama's immigration reform speech brings more partisanship
President Obama's immigration reform speech brings more partisanship
In a speech touting the need for immigration reform, President Obama offered more of the same polarizing rhetoric typical of the contemporary Washington environment.  Ultimately, he blames Republ...
Fiorina reaches out to Hispanics
Fiorina reaches out to Hispanics
Taking a page from gubernatorial candidate and fellow Republican Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina is considering the political consequences of being silent toward California Hispanics.  In her Senate c...
Boycotting Arizona over immigration law unlikely to find widespread support in California
Boycotting Arizona over immigration law unlikely to find widespread support in California
While California faces a harrowing budget crisis, one State senator is set to see that California is the first state to boycott Arizona over its strict immigration law.  In a bill authored by Sta...
Boxer and Whitman take the more centrist route while reaching out to voters across the aisle
Boxer and Whitman take the more centrist route while reaching out to voters across the aisle
Over the past week, two Californian politicians whose fates hang uncomfortably in the balance this November have made surprising moves courting the center. On the one hand, Sen. Barbara Boxer, the inc...
Drugs, border violence, and alternative solutions
Drugs, border violence, and alternative solutions
Last December, Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, said $352 billion in criminal money was laundered and kept the financial system afloat during the worst of the crisis."In ...
Meg Whitman's opposition to Arizona immigration law could attract Hispanics in November
Meg Whitman's opposition to Arizona immigration law could attract Hispanics in November
With a whopping victory of sixty-four percent over Steve Poizner’s twenty-seven percent, Meg Whitman is prepared to fight her Democratic opponent Jerry Brown in November for the big cheese.  As o...
Catalina Island consular event heats up illegal immigration debate
Catalina Island consular event heats up illegal immigration debate
For California cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, opposition to the Arizona immigration law has been strident.  Their reaction is quite typical, considering that their citizens and govern...