
Search query: washington

America's Independent Voters Treated Like Second-Class Citizens in Elections
America's Independent Voters Treated Like Second-Class Citizens in Elections
"Morning Joe" is in mourning. The deceased is the Republican Party of balanced budgets and international restraint.MSNBC host and former Congressman Joe Scarborough announced last week that ...
The Morning Report: July 21, 2017
The Morning Report: July 21, 2017
Senate Republicans threw a curveball into the complicated Obamacare repeal vote. The GOP introduced yet another amendment to their bill to replace the Affordable Care Act.The new version, posted on a ...
Independent Candidates Are Key to A New, Better Way Forward
Independent Candidates Are Key to A New, Better Way Forward
Washington, D.C. – Against the backdrop of dysfunctional government, widespread economic uncertainty, and a general failure of the two-party system to solve many of the nation’s most pressin...
You're Fired: Trump Makes It Easier for VA to Clean House
You're Fired: Trump Makes It Easier for VA to Clean House
At the end of June, President Trump signed into law a bill that would make it easier for subpar Veterans Affairs employees to be sacked, something that was problematic under previous administrations.W...
Looking to 2020: A Battle Plan for Independents and Reformers
Looking to 2020: A Battle Plan for Independents and Reformers
The majority of voters are clearly fed up with politics as usual in Washington. Tens of millions feel disenfranchised, they believe elections are either broken or rigged, and most do not feel rep...
Libertarian Party Scores Major Ballot Access Wins Ahead of 2018
Libertarian Party Scores Major Ballot Access Wins Ahead of 2018
There is big news for the Libertarian Party: It can add one more state where it has official party status and ballot access for the 2018 midterms.Ballot Access News reported Monday that the LP's ...
ACLU Sues Trump, Not Obama Over Voting Commission Executive Order
ACLU Sues Trump, Not Obama Over Voting Commission Executive Order
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnfCtztC2oQThe American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit over the lack of transparency by President Trump’s election commission.The lawsuit charge...
FBI, Feds Step Up Sanders Investigation
FBI, Feds Step Up Sanders Investigation
A story in the Washington Post says the federal investigation into a land deal led by Jane Sanders, the wife and political adviser of Sen. Bernie Sanders, has accelerated.Prosecutors have reportedly h...
Obama, Clinton To Join Forces In The Fall?
Obama, Clinton To Join Forces In The Fall?
Hillary Clinton is ready for a role in next year's midterm elections.What that role is exactly is not quite clear.Clinton has already launched a PAC aimed at helping congressional Democratic candidate...
President Trump Trolls Podesta, DNC on Hacked Server Access
President Trump Trolls Podesta, DNC on Hacked Server Access
The back and forth between President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager John Podesta continues.The battle rages over the hacked DNC server, and questions as to why it still has...