
Search query: north dakota

Koch Brothers Break With Trump: 5 Things You Need to Know
Koch Brothers Break With Trump: 5 Things You Need to Know
In the face of mounting criticism from the notorious libertarian billionaire industrialists, Charles and David Koch, Donald Trump flamed the Koch Brothers on Twitter Tuesday, tweeting:"The globalist K...
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
Earlier this year, Utah and Washington quietly joined 14 other states that have eliminated the use of registration deadlines as a final cutoff to be able to vote. The congruent actions of a red s...
OPINION: Ranked Choice Voting Not "Most Superior" for Independents
OPINION: Ranked Choice Voting Not "Most Superior" for Independents
I am concerned with the July 24, 2018 op-ed titled, Virginia Republican: “Ranked Choice Voting Most Superior Voting Method in US.”  While the statements are true, what is missing speaks volu...
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
15 Ways the Independent Revolution is Taking Over America
The independent and nonpartisan reform movements have never seen the momentum they are seeing today. Voters are ditching the Republican and Democratic Parties in droves. A record number of independent...
4 New Voting Methods That Upend Partisan Politics
4 New Voting Methods That Upend Partisan Politics
Maine became the first state in the nation to use ranked choice voting in statewide elections in June. The historic moment has boosted interest in alternative voting methods that offer better election...
Time To Eliminate YOUR Wall Street Tax?
Time To Eliminate YOUR Wall Street Tax?
As we get older, and hopefully wiser, we generally start to become more discerning on how we view the world and the problems we face. Many of us who seek to make the world a better place try to look a...
OPINION: It's Time to Give Approval Voting a Chance
OPINION: It's Time to Give Approval Voting a Chance
The voting method is extremely important and affects all parts of the election from who wins, how seriously candidates’ ideas are taken, and who you see on your ballot. Specifically, the choose-one pl...
The California Travel Ban No One is Talking About
The California Travel Ban No One is Talking About
The "travel ban" is a clickbait phrase that's become a popular subject for the 24-hour news cycle. SCOTUS's decision to mostly reinstate President Trump's ban is certainly getting most of the att...
Will Fargo Be the First in the Nation to Adopt Approval Voting?
Will Fargo Be the First in the Nation to Adopt Approval Voting?
The city commission of Fargo, North Dakota is currently considering a proposal that would dump the choose-one voting method used in a majority of cities and states across the U.S. and adopt appro...
March Madness: Victory Comes at the Free Throw Line
March Madness: Victory Comes at the Free Throw Line
In round one yesterday of March Madness, the premier spectacle of American sports, 32 teams went to the free throw line 634 times and converted 438 of their charitable gifts (you are not reading this ...