
Search query: idaho

GOP Donors, Leaders Reportedly See Contested Convention as Only Hope to Stop Trump
GOP Donors, Leaders Reportedly See Contested Convention as Only Hope to Stop Trump
Current primary results have reportedly led GOP leaders to consider a contested convention if Donald Trump falls short of the 1,237 delegates needed to qualify for the nomination.According to a report...
Does A Dwindling Rubio Campaign Mean an Uncertain Future for the GOP?
Does A Dwindling Rubio Campaign Mean an Uncertain Future for the GOP?
Following the weekend's primaries and the upcoming votes on Tuesday, many eyes remain fixed on a presidential candidate who has been highly touted, but has delivered few victories, leading to concerns...
How Ballot Access Requirements for President Compare State to State
How Ballot Access Requirements for President Compare State to State
In recent news, Ohio state officials told Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley that he could not be on the Democratic primary ballot. The petition to be on the ballot required 1,000 ...
3 Ways The Parties Have Diminished Your Power at the Ballot Box
3 Ways The Parties Have Diminished Your Power at the Ballot Box
It is no secret that the two major parties in the U.S have actively worked to rig the election system for their own benefit and so they can drown out any independent voices. I was reminded of this fac...
Do Multi-Member Districts Improve Representation in State Legislatures?
Do Multi-Member Districts Improve Representation in State Legislatures?
While Congress has twice mandated the use of single-member districts (SMD) for electing members of Congress (once in 1842 and again in 1967), state legislatures are at liberty to determine how their r...
Thought About Running for Office? Maybe You Should
Thought About Running for Office? Maybe You Should
We have been conditioned to think that regular folks shouldn't run for office. That's just plain wrong.When the Framers of the Constitution designed the checks and balances of our nation, Congress, th...
Government of a Few: New Data Shows Just How Broken Our Democracy Really Is
Government of a Few: New Data Shows Just How Broken Our Democracy Really Is
FairVote on June 12 released Government of the Few in the “Decided Dozen" -- Frozen Representation and the Distorted Demographics of Decisive Primary Elections. Report authors Andrew Douglas and Zack ...
N.C. 'Ag-Gag' Bill Threatens Whistle-Blowers in All Industries -- Not Just Farms
N.C. 'Ag-Gag' Bill Threatens Whistle-Blowers in All Industries -- Not Just Farms
Last week, the General Assembly in North Carolina sent a bill (HB 405) to the desk of Governor Pat McCrory that is directed at thwarting undercover investigations that expose businesses'&nbs...
Koch-Backed Network Wants Your Data and It Wants Your Vote
Koch-Backed Network Wants Your Data and It Wants Your Vote
Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the network of small-government advocacy groups steered by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, is expanding into new states and attracting new donors in ...
Idaho Senate Says Yes to Cannabidiol Oil As a Treatment for Epilepsy
Idaho Senate Says Yes to Cannabidiol Oil As a Treatment for Epilepsy
Update: After reconsidering the legislation, a committee in the Idaho House approved the cannabidiol oil bill in a 12-4 vote. Idaho is not a place one would expect to see bipartisanship. Reg...