
Search query: colorado

The New Environmentalism – Individuals and Property Rights
The New Environmentalism – Individuals and Property Rights
Credit: casida2012.com"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Nikolaevich TolstoiThere are several generations of people who have been taught about recyc...
Top Wind Power States? Guess Again...
Top Wind Power States? Guess Again...
 Most people would probably choose California as the state with the highest percentage of electricity generation from wind power. As it turns out, California isn’t even close as it gets about 4% ...
How Secure is Mitt Romney?
How Secure is Mitt Romney?
Independent Voter Network has been keeping a close eye on developments in the  GOP Primary for months. Based on Senator Santorum’s “suspension” of his campaign this week, we brought you a specifi...
California Water Wars Spotlight: Colorado River
California Water Wars Spotlight: Colorado River
California, Arizona and five other states get substantial amounts of water from the Colorado River, which is rightfully known as the most litigated river on the planet. The water is allocated by the 1...
California Water Wars Spotlight: Imperial Valley Water Rights
California Water Wars Spotlight: Imperial Valley Water Rights
The Imperial Valley gets 20% of all the water from the Colorado River - more than Nevada and Colorado combined - and produces 80% of the country’s winter vegetables. Virtually all its water ...
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows President Obama has a solid lead among independent voters in key swing states over presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney. He now polli...
California Water Wars Spotlight: MWD, The 800 lb Gorilla
California Water Wars Spotlight: MWD, The 800 lb Gorilla
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) is the biggest supplier of treated water in the US. It delivers an average of 1.7 billion gallons of water daily to 17 million people ...
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
 Despite the efforts of the Romney campaign and media treatment of the Republican nominating process as all but wrapped up in his favor, the reality is the GOP race continues on for several reaso...
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
The US Supreme Court will hold hearings this week on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obama’s health care plan. The lawsuit was filed by twenty six states, four small business owners, an...
Ten Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Now
Ten Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Now
Note from the author: This article was originally published in March of 2012. With attempts to legalize marijuana on ballot measures in three different states this November-- Colorado, Oregon, and Was...