
Search query: south dakota

44 States Stand Up to the White House? Not Quite...
44 States Stand Up to the White House? Not Quite...
The biggest headline this week on President Donald Trump's election integrity commission is that 44 states plus DC have partly or fully rejected the commission's request for a broad array of personal ...
The California Travel Ban No One is Talking About
The California Travel Ban No One is Talking About
The "travel ban" is a clickbait phrase that's become a popular subject for the 24-hour news cycle. SCOTUS's decision to mostly reinstate President Trump's ban is certainly getting most of the att...
12 States Where Both Parties Are Suppressing the Right to Vote
12 States Where Both Parties Are Suppressing the Right to Vote
At no time in history has the issue of “open v. closed primaries” been so prominent in the national discussion as it is today. This is, in large part, because Bernie Sanders made it a plank of his pre...
South Dakota Governor Signs Repeal of Anti-Corruption Act
South Dakota Governor Signs Repeal of Anti-Corruption Act
Overturns voter backed ethics referendum despite massive constituent outcryFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPierre, SD: Today, Governor Dennis Daugaard signed HB 1069, a repeal of a the South Dakota Government Ac...
Swamp Things: South Dakota Gets "F" in Ethics
Swamp Things: South Dakota Gets "F" in Ethics
Where does your state rank for integrity?South Dakota Senate is currently considering a repeal to the Government Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act (Measure 22, IM-22), approved by voter...
Swamp Bites Back: S.D. Lawmakers Declare "Emergency" to Overturn Anti-Corruption Act
Swamp Bites Back: S.D. Lawmakers Declare "Emergency" to Overturn Anti-Corruption Act
South Dakota lawmakers have taken the first steps to overturn a voter-approved initiative called the South Dakota Government Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act (Measure 22, IM-22). Legislators pla...
Electoral Revolt Trumped: Hillary Loses More Electors Than Donald
Electoral Revolt Trumped: Hillary Loses More Electors Than Donald
If you listened to the mainstream media the past two weeks, you would have thought that there was the possibility of an electoral revolt of "faithless electors" who were going to ditch President-elect...
Debriefing Democracy: Nonpartisan Movements Score Major Victories in November
Debriefing Democracy: Nonpartisan Movements Score Major Victories in November
Keep up with the reform efforts building on the post-election momentum. Big change starts small, and these organizations have been hard at work to fix our broken system, little by little.With so much ...
How 600,000 People Broke Big Money's Grip On Power
How 600,000 People Broke Big Money's Grip On Power
This election was historic for the movement to break big money’s grip on our political system. On November 8, 2016, voters in South Dakota passed the first-ever statewide Anti-Corruption Act. This bal...
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
In August, just one month after the Democratic National Convention, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced the launch of Our Revolution, a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping his progressiv...