
Search query: washington

Open Primaries: ALL Voters Have Right to Vote in Taxpayer-Funded Elections
Open Primaries: ALL Voters Have Right to Vote in Taxpayer-Funded Elections
Opening our electoral process to more voices than just those from the two national parties is the goal of Open Primaries.The efforts by the RNC and DNC to rig the system and engage in gerrymandering a...
Rand Paul Is Now The Conscience of The Republican Party
Rand Paul Is Now The Conscience of The Republican Party
But will Republicans listen?If there was an annual award ceremony like the Emmys for politicians, but called the Indys and awarded to a politician for exemplifying reason, principle, and independence ...
FEC Vice Chair: "Pizzagate" Embodies Need for New Online Ad Rules (Exclusive)
FEC Vice Chair: "Pizzagate" Embodies Need for New Online Ad Rules (Exclusive)
Longtime Democratic FEC Commissioner Ellen L. Weintraub is the force behind new rules aimed at making online political advertising more transparent.After Russian state agents used social media platfor...
Beyond The Memo: Can We Trust The FISA Court?
Beyond The Memo: Can We Trust The FISA Court?
Friday, the White House released a controversial memo meant to provide some context to the whole Trump/Russia investigation.The Nunes memo is four pages long, and it explains many of what seem to be v...
George Washington: THE Independent OG (Original Gangsta) of US History
George Washington: THE Independent OG (Original Gangsta) of US History
In this new series, Independent OGs, writers at IVN News will chronicle the lives and exploits of independents throughout history – or as we are calling them: Independent O.G.s (short for Original Gan...
Facebook Alert: 3 Things to Know About Big Data vs. Democracy
Facebook Alert: 3 Things to Know About Big Data vs. Democracy
Business is booming for big data markets.Consider Facebook. It’s usage may have dived in the fourth quarter, but the social media behemoth still pulled in $12.97 billion. Compare that to $8.81 bi...
With Another Shutdown Looming, Trump Doubles Down on Defense
With Another Shutdown Looming, Trump Doubles Down on Defense
In his first State of the Union address, President Trump praised members of the military while calling for an increased defense budget in the face of another government shutdown. The continuing resolu...
The DC Swamp Is Getting Too Polluted for Its Inhabitants
The DC Swamp Is Getting Too Polluted for Its Inhabitants
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLBklg_fE18Video Credit: CBS NewsUS Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) announced his retirement from Congress Wednesday, making him yet another Republican lawmaker who will not see...
Silent Giant: The Man Who Ended The Steroid Era in MLB
Silent Giant: The Man Who Ended The Steroid Era in MLB
"I think Kevin Towers is THE most significant figure in the health of Major League Baseball." ~ FMR. State Senator Steve PeaceFor those lucky enough to call Kevin Towers a friend and colleague, they a...
CBS Poll: 72% of Independents Who Tuned In Approved of Trump's First SOTU
CBS Poll: 72% of Independents Who Tuned In Approved of Trump's First SOTU
President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union address Tuesday night where he touched on several topics in the roughly 90-minute speech, including a surging economy, infrastructure needs, im...